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1211Dieback in Norway spruce - causality and future management strategiesDieback in Norway spruce - causality and future management strategies01.01.2010 00:00:0031.12.2013 00:00:00abgeschlossencompletedLeibniz-Zentrum für Agrarlandschaftsforschung (ZALF) e. V. (Projekte vor 2018)Leibniz Centre for Agricultural Landscape Research (ZALF) (project prior to 2018)x0xKayler, Zachary; Geßler, Arthur; Hentschel, Rainerx1010x1085x1179x<div class='ntm_ZAL'>ZAL</div>  2010 Dieback in Norway spruce - causality and future management strategies Dieback in Norway spruce - causality and future management strategies Leibniz-Zentrum für Agrarlandschaftsforschung (ZALF) e. V. (Projekte vor 2018) Kayler, Zachary; Geßler, Arthur; Hentschel, Rainer Drittmittel Leibniz Centre for Agricultural Landscape Research (ZALF) (project prior to 2018) completed abgeschlossen <div class="ExternalClass7658881EBF054C09AA96A16AB812172A">The main objectives of this project are to identify possible risk factors, propose the mechanisms of dieback, and outline relevant alternatives for the future management of forests in SE Norway, particularly regarding drought stress in Norway spruce. In the project we aim to • describe and diagnose the observed damage&#58; We will describe the symptoms, identify the role of biotic agents and create maps displaying the geographical extent of the damage, • identify the most likely mechanisms&#58; Through field studies and analyses of long term data set, damage, growth and mortality as well as other measures of stress in Norway spruce will be related to site- and stand factors and to the severity of drought, • project the effect of climate change&#58; Using the REGCLIM climate scenario for Norway, we will forecast the areal extent of drought related stress as a response to a warmer and drier climate. • facilitate a discussion on the silvicultural alternatives in SE Norway&#58; A group of silvicultual specialists will be formed. Work shop-discussions with practitioners will focus on how to adapt Norway spruce management and tree species selection to the uncertainties of the future climate.</div> <div class="ExternalClass44C7257AD1624E469E4C21BAD090D183">The main objectives of this project are to identify possible risk factors, propose the mechanisms of dieback, and outline relevant alternatives for the future management of forests in SE Norway, particularly regarding drought stress in Norway spruce. In the project we aim to • describe and diagnose the observed damage&#58; We will describe the symptoms, identify the role of biotic agents and create maps displaying the geographical extent of the damage, • identify the most likely mechanisms&#58; Through field studies and analyses of long term data set, damage, growth and mortality as well as other measures of stress in Norway spruce will be related to site- and stand factors and to the severity of drought, • project the effect of climate change&#58; Using the REGCLIM climate scenario for Norway, we will forecast the areal extent of drought related stress as a response to a warmer and drier climate. • facilitate a discussion on the silvicultural alternatives in SE Norway&#58; A group of silvicultual specialists will be formed. Work shop-discussions with practitioners will focus on how to adapt Norway spruce management and tree species selection to the uncertainties of the future climate.</div> Dieback in Norway spruce - causality and future management strategies <div class="ExternalClass2F093A84-6266-4927-827A-E3BDC38D01D8"><ul><li>2013 Biodiversität und Landschaftsfunktionen - biotische und abiotische Interaktionen und Stoffdynamik über Skalenebenen</li></ul></div> <div class="ExternalClass1F578785-D5DC-49CE-85A0-D2BC479C6B25"></div> <div class="ExternalClassA61F2C21-6DDF-4932-91BA-807D64B38D9E"><ul><li>Sonstige größere Verbundprojekte</li></ul></div> <div class="ExternalClassF77729E5-0FB4-453E-8E9C-7AA54215E74B"><ul><li>The Research Council of Norway</li></ul></div> <div class="ExternalClass07E659ED-6B0C-43E6-9AF4-747484F4958B"><ul><li>Lise Dalsgaard</li></ul></div><div class="ExternalClass7658881EBF054C09AA96A16AB812172A">The main objectives of this project are to identify possible risk factors, propose the mechanisms of dieback, and outline relevant alternatives for the future management of forests in SE Norway, particularly regarding drought stress in Norway spruce. In the project we aim to • describe and diagnose the observed damage&#58; We will describe the symptoms, identify the role of biotic agents and create maps displaying the geographical extent of the damage, • identify the most likely mechanisms&#58; Through field studies and analyses of long term data set, damage, growth and mortality as well as other measures of stress in Norway spruce will be related to site- and stand factors and to the severity of drought, • project the effect of climate change&#58; Using the REGCLIM climate scenario for Norway, we will forecast the areal extent of drought related stress as a response to a warmer and drier climate. • facilitate a discussion on the silvicultural alternatives in SE Norway&#58; A group of silvicultual specialists will be formed. Work shop-discussions with practitioners will focus on how to adapt Norway spruce management and tree species selection to the uncertainties of the future climate.</div><div class="ExternalClass44C7257AD1624E469E4C21BAD090D183">The main objectives of this project are to identify possible risk factors, propose the mechanisms of dieback, and outline relevant alternatives for the future management of forests in SE Norway, particularly regarding drought stress in Norway spruce. In the project we aim to • describe and diagnose the observed damage&#58; We will describe the symptoms, identify the role of biotic agents and create maps displaying the geographical extent of the damage, • identify the most likely mechanisms&#58; Through field studies and analyses of long term data set, damage, growth and mortality as well as other measures of stress in Norway spruce will be related to site- and stand factors and to the severity of drought, • project the effect of climate change&#58; Using the REGCLIM climate scenario for Norway, we will forecast the areal extent of drought related stress as a response to a warmer and drier climate. • facilitate a discussion on the silvicultural alternatives in SE Norway&#58; A group of silvicultual specialists will be formed. Work shop-discussions with practitioners will focus on how to adapt Norway spruce management and tree species selection to the uncertainties of the future climate.</div><div class="ExternalClass091BDE1B-6DE0-43A7-8812-4745D259C4E1"><ul><li>Inst. für Landschaftsbiogeochemie</li></ul></div><div class="ExternalClassDA01F61C-490E-4558-8121-7C412174C2EC"><ul><li>Inst. of Landscape Biogeochemistry</li></ul></div><div class="ExternalClass26F0D70D-22DE-4686-88A5-94F9EC65C888">Prof. Dr. Arthur Geßler; Rainer Hentschel; Dr. Zachary Kayler</div>Kayler, Zachary;Geßler, Arthur<div class="ExternalClass7EE5853D-9E96-4E2F-B548-F1539DC0CD54">Prof. Dr. Arthur Geßler; Dr. Zachary Kayler</a></div><div class="ExternalClass2F093A84-6266-4927-827A-E3BDC38D01D8"><ul><li>2013 Biodiversität und Landschaftsfunktionen - biotische und abiotische Interaktionen und Stoffdynamik über Skalenebenen</li></ul></div><div class="ExternalClassFDD8CA27-1280-4346-8BA9-03D9F87F73A3"><ul><li>2013 Biodiversity and landscape functions - biotic and abiotic interactions and matter dynamics at different scales</li></ul></div>x199x  <div class="ExternalClassA61F2C21-6DDF-4932-91BA-807D64B38D9E"><ul><li>Sonstige größere Verbundprojekte</li></ul></div> The Research Council of Norway<div class="ExternalClassF77729E5-0FB4-453E-8E9C-7AA54215E74B"><ul><li>The Research Council of Norway</li></ul></div><div class="ExternalClass07E659ED-6B0C-43E6-9AF4-747484F4958B"><ul><li>Lise Dalsgaard</li></ul></div>33   
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