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ZALF researcher invited to give a seminar at FAO on “Engaging community voices in the development of food security and nutrition projects: a social learning approach.”

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Michelle Bonatti

26Th April 2018 FAO Headquarters, Rome (Italy)

Ms. Bonatti’s presentation discussed social learning concepts, its origins and benefits.

Besides, it was argued why and how social learning approaches could bridge the gap between different stakeholders´ perspectives on global problems (challenges) and possible solutions.

Such approaches have the potential to create the basis for integrative projects, enhancing the relevance, legitimacy, and credibility of the project solutions by accounting for the diversity of perspectives among the stakeholders.

In the last part of her presentation, Ms. Bonatti presented ZALF projects experiences, where social learning approaches were implemented, explaining how they could be operationalized in practical examples, also including some mechanisms used to evaluate social learning processes and their achievements on the ground.

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Bildunterschrift: Seminar event. Das Bild ist für die redaktionelle Berichterstattung freigegeben unter Angabe der Bildquelle: © Tomas Buendia
Bildunterschrift: Seminar event. Das Bild ist für die redaktionelle Berichterstattung freigegeben unter Angabe der Bildquelle: © Tomas Buendia


Bildunterschrift: Michelle Bonatti. Das Bild ist für die redaktionelle Berichterstattung freigegeben unter Angabe der Bildquelle: © Michele Rude
Bildunterschrift: Michelle Bonatti. Das Bild ist für die redaktionelle Berichterstattung freigegeben unter Angabe der Bildquelle: © Michele Rude
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