Colloquium on 12.04.2017.
Where: Building 45, Seminar room (Institute of LSA)
Start: 10 am
Dr. Edmar Teixeira
(Researcher at the Plant & Food Research Institute in New Zealand)
Crop physiology and modelling in New Zealand
Agriculture is an important component of New Zealand’s economy. Dr. Edmar Teixeira, a systems modeller at the New Zealand Institute for Plant and Food Research (PFR,, will share some of the recent research developed by PFR to tackle current challenges and opportunities of NZ’s cropping sector. His work focuses on quantifying the physiological responses of different crops to environmental and management factors and represent these responses in biophysical models. In particular, the talk will include examples of current field experiments and the development of the APSIM model ( to address issues such as nitrogen leaching losses and adaptation to climate change in New Zealand. The recent application of APSIM for spatial assessments of crop growth across New Zealand creates potential opportunities for scientific collaboration with ZALF.
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