​​​​​In light of the inherent complexity of agricultural landscapes and the diversity of societal challenges, the development of a new environmentally friendly, productive, digital and knowledge-based agriculture requires integrated research approaches across the disciplinary boundaries of natural, technical, life, social and cultural sciences as well as across different temporal and spatial scales. ZALF has been promoting these integrated activities, which are essential for successful agricultural landscape research, with Integrated Priority Projects (IPP). The IPP cluster relevant ZALF expertise required to develop solutions to complex challenges such as climate change, food security, biodiversity conservation, and resource scarcity.
Each IPP requires the collaboration of at least three working groups from at least three research areas and platforms, which receive institutional funding for three doctoral students as well as funding for infrastructural and material expenses. Important criteria for funding include internal collaboration (integration), potential visibility (branding), the development of methods for integrated systems research and respective previous ZALF research activities.
Details on the annual internal competitive call for proposals related to one of ZALF’s Research Topics as well as the application and selection process can be found in the IPP-Guideline .