Software for the evaluation and classification of field data regarding their suitability for agro-ecosystem modelling.
Dr. Kurt Christian Kersebaum
Model to describe plant growth and water and nitrogen dynamics in the soil-plant system.
Is a tool for assessing greenhouse gas emissions and cumulative energy demand of agricultural cropping systems including energy crops in rotation.
Christiane Peter
Contact ZALF: Dr. Claas Nendel
MiLA wbsite (download)
QAToCA - spelled [Ka:toka] - is an assessment tool developed in the EU-project CA2Africa with the aim to assess the likelihood of adoption of Conservation Agriculture (CA). It is based on a variety of theories on adoption and innovation, allowing to find supporting and hindering factors in the course of the implementation of CA. The tool has also been applied for the assessment of other technologies (e.g. forage systems in Tanzania).
Contact: Dr. Johannes Schuler
Download QAToCA zip
R-script, manual and test data-set to perform CH4 flux seperation into diffusion and ebullition derived components for open-water closed chamber measurements.
Mathias Hoffmann, Nicole Jurisch
Download Tool from Zenodo
Technical note
SAMT2 and SAMT2FUZZY are Python2/Cython module for "Spatial Analysis and Modeling".
Please import the samt2V2.ova in the virtualbox. After booting the samt1 you can login as user samt, passwd: samt and start in an "konsole" or to work with SAMT2.
Dr. Ralf Wieland
Download: SAMT
ScalA (Version ScalA-Peacebuilding/ScalA-PB) is an ex ante impact assessment tool for estimating and comparing scaling-up potential related to sustainability, climate change responsiveness and peacebuilding of planned agricultural practices (projects, strategies, actions).
ScalA-PB is available in English and Spanish
Katharina Löhr, Working group "Sustainable Land Use in Developing Countries"
Short information ScalA-PB
ScalA-PB mobile phone app (Google App-Store / android only)
Download ScalA-PB (Excel file English version)
Download ScalA-PB (Excel file Spanish version)
Sustainability impact assessment: Introducing ScaleA-Peacebulding tool for ex-ante impact assessment - webinar
A broad database of smart farming technologies with advice on the smart farming technologies most suitable for specific needs or purposes. Provider or developer of smart farming technologies can upload information about their products and solutions into the Platform's smart farming technology database.
Dr. Andrea Knierim, Dr. Angelika Wurbs
Go to smart-akis website
A tool to calculate Nitrogen budgets in organic forage systems
J. Bachinger, M. Reckling, K. Stein-Bachinger
A learning tool for a better estimation of the legume proportion in forages
M. Reckling, K. Stein-Bachinger, J. Bachinger
A tool to plan crop rotations in organic farming systems
J. Bachinger, P. Zander, M. Reckling
To start the ROTOR program you need a password. Please contact Dr. agr. Johann Bachinger.
Tool (Version 3.1, 20 MB)
Diet planning tool for organic and low-input dairy farms
J. Vaillant, L. Baldinger, J. Bachinger, M. Rinne, W. Zollitsch
Handbuch Manual Manuel
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