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Agriculture and globalization

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Food security and sustainability


One tenth of humanity does not have a sufficient supply of food. Globalization, population growth and climate change pose risks for developing and emerging countries, but also offer opportunities. The risk of land use conflicts, food crises and the resulting social conflicts as well as of migration is increasing. These risks can only be avoided by developing sustainable strategies for agriculture.


What do we want to achieve with our research?

MyTitle: What do we want to achieve with our research?
MyTextfeld: <div class="ExternalClass09B9861EAA914FBB91F03477CC60A395"><p>We want to...</p><p>... establish our integrated and proven solutions as an integral part of the risk management of agricultural systems in developing countries, where they actively contribute to improving income and nutrition.</p><p>... integrate all the relevant influencing factors into our innovation research, in order to subsequently advise key decision-makers from the food industry, politics and civil society on the development and implementation of integrated, regionally and thus site-adapted strategies for the improvement of both food production and nutrition.</p><p>... develop new dissemination strategies for innovations to increase the quantity (yield stability) and quality of food production (malnutrition), which allows for a regionally adapted implementation and leads to a sustainably improved living situation. This refers to innovations bringing together (a) aspects of technology transfer in agricultural production (e.g. machines, robots, seeds) and (b) socio-economic organizational models (e.g. micro-credits at municipal level, machinery rings, rental services) as well as modern information systems (e.g. smartphone applications, advisory systems).</p><p>... assess policy, technology and innovation impacts from the field to the landscape level.</p> </div>
Struktureinheiten:Label: NewWindow: MyEbene: 1 MyKategory:

What do we want to achieve with our research?

We want to...

... establish our integrated and proven solutions as an integral part of the risk management of agricultural systems in developing countries, where they actively contribute to improving income and nutrition.

... integrate all the relevant influencing factors into our innovation research, in order to subsequently advise key decision-makers from the food industry, politics and civil society on the development and implementation of integrated, regionally and thus site-adapted strategies for the improvement of both food production and nutrition.

... develop new dissemination strategies for innovations to increase the quantity (yield stability) and quality of food production (malnutrition), which allows for a regionally adapted implementation and leads to a sustainably improved living situation. This refers to innovations bringing together (a) aspects of technology transfer in agricultural production (e.g. machines, robots, seeds) and (b) socio-economic organizational models (e.g. micro-credits at municipal level, machinery rings, rental services) as well as modern information systems (e.g. smartphone applications, advisory systems).

... assess policy, technology and innovation impacts from the field to the landscape level.

What are the key challenges to be solved?

MyTitle: What are the key challenges to be solved?
MyTextfeld: <div class="ExternalClassF0618E5ABEB74C1DB9CC0EF29EBD2B91"><p>​<strong>Challenge&#58;</strong> How can we combine sustainability aspects in agricultural production with the long-term viability of local farms?</p><p> <strong>Our solution&#58;</strong> Using transdisciplinary approaches, we are developing and testing site-adapted strategies that balance the interactions between agricultural production and social, economic and environmental aspects.</p><p> <strong>Challenge&#58;</strong> How do we put innovations into practice in the fields of production, value creation and governance and achieve efficient dissemination?</p><p> <strong>Our solution&#58;</strong> We consider entire value chains and involve all relevant actors when defining research questions. Together, we develop and test strategies for solutions.</p><p> <strong>Challenge&#58;</strong> How can we regionally manage the risks of globalization, climate change and population growth?</p><p> <strong>Our solution&#58;</strong> We think in terms of solutions in the overall landscape-agriculture-society system and make conflicting objectives transparent.</p><p> <strong>Challenge&#58;</strong> How do we make the created knowledge available so that it can be applied at political levels and also transferred to other regions?</p><p> <strong>Our solution&#58;</strong> We are developing scientifically sound knowledge management and decision support systems for actors that allow for region-specific impact assessments.</p></div>
Struktureinheiten:Label: NewWindow: MyEbene: 1 MyKategory:

What are the key challenges to be solved?

Challenge: How can we combine sustainability aspects in agricultural production with the long-term viability of local farms?

Our solution: Using transdisciplinary approaches, we are developing and testing site-adapted strategies that balance the interactions between agricultural production and social, economic and environmental aspects.

Challenge: How do we put innovations into practice in the fields of production, value creation and governance and achieve efficient dissemination?

Our solution: We consider entire value chains and involve all relevant actors when defining research questions. Together, we develop and test strategies for solutions.

Challenge: How can we regionally manage the risks of globalization, climate change and population growth?

Our solution: We think in terms of solutions in the overall landscape-agriculture-society system and make conflicting objectives transparent.

Challenge: How do we make the created knowledge available so that it can be applied at political levels and also transferred to other regions?

Our solution: We are developing scientifically sound knowledge management and decision support systems for actors that allow for region-specific impact assessments.

Which working groups are working on the topic?

MyTitle: Which working groups are working on the topic?
MyTextfeld: <div class="ExternalClass574508947510446888D771941709A89E"><p>Research Area 2 &quot;Land Use and Governance&quot;</p><ul><li> <a title="More information about the working group" href="/en/struktur/pb2/Pages/Arbeitsgruppen.aspx#x19x">Provisioning of Biodiversity in Agricultural Systems</a></li><li> <a title="More information about the working group" href="/en/struktur/pb2/cci">Co-Design of Change and Innovation</a></li><li> <a title="More information about the working group" href="/en/struktur/pb2/ess">Provisioning of Ecosystem Services in Agricultural Systems</a></li><li> <a title="More information about the working group" href="/en/struktur/pb2/Pages/Arbeitsgruppen.aspx#x24x">Governance of Ecosystem Services</a></li><li> <a title="More information about the working group" href="/en/struktur/pb2/Pages/Arbeitsgruppen.aspx#x22x">Lowland Hydrology and Water Management</a></li><li> <a title="More information about the working group" href="/en/struktur/pb2/rcs">Resource-Efficient Cropping Systems</a></li><li> <a title="More information about the working group" href="/en/struktur/pb2/Pages/Arbeitsgruppen.aspx#x17x">Sustainable Grassland Systems</a></li><li> <a title="More information about the working group" href="/en/struktur/pb2/sus">Sustainable Land Use in Developing Countries</a></li></ul><p>Research Area 3 &quot;Agricultural Landscape systems&quot;</p><ul><li> <a title="More information about the working group" href="/en/struktur/pb3/Pages/Arbeitsgruppen.aspx#x70x">Integrated Crop System Analysis and Modelling</a></li><li> <a title="More information about the working group" href="/en/struktur/pb3/Pages/Arbeitsgruppen.aspx#x27x">Spatial and system context</a></li><li> <a title="More information about the working group" href="/en/struktur/pb3/Pages/Arbeitsgruppen.aspx#x26x">Impact Assessment of Land Use Changes</a></li><li> <a title="More information about the working group" href="/en/struktur/pb3/Pages/Arbeitsgruppen.aspx#x20x">Farm Economics and Ecosystem Services</a></li></ul><p>Research Platform &quot;Data Analysis &amp; Simulation&quot;</p><ul><li> <a title="More information about the working group" href="/en/struktur/pb4/esm">Ecosystem Modelling</a></li><li> <a title="More information about the working group" href="/en/struktur/pb4/ILM">Landscape Modelling</a></li></ul></div>
Struktureinheiten:Label: NewWindow: MyEbene: 1 MyKategory:

Which working groups are working on the topic?



Title: How can agriculture in West Africa adapt to climate change: New insights from modeling
MehrLink:, Mehr
MyMeldungsdatum: 2025-02-18 16:00:00
Albert Bedjour / ZALF

How can agriculture in West Africa adapt to climate change: New insights from modeling

Title: Delegation from Ghana visits ZALF
MehrLink:, More
MyMeldungsdatum: 2025-02-17 10:00:00
Delegation from Ghana, together with representatives of ZALF

Delegation from Ghana visits ZALF

Title: New Innovation Center for Agricultural Systems Transformation approved: ZALF looks toward living laboratories for the future of agriculture
MehrLink:, More
MyMeldungsdatum: 2024-11-25 10:00:00
Air view ZALF Campus

New Innovation Center for Agricultural Systems Transformation approved: ZALF looks toward living laboratories for the future of agriculture

With this keyword you will find further news on the topic
"Agriculture and globalization"

Food security



Reference projects

MyTitle: Trans-SEC - Innovating pro-poor Strategies to safeguard Food Security using Technology and Knowledge Transfer: A people-centered approach
MyLinkAnsehenUrl:, Webseite
MyLinkPDFUrl:, Book
Struktureinheiten:Label: NewWindow: True

Trans-SEC - Innovating pro-poor Strategies to safeguard Food Security using Technology and Knowledge Transfer: A people-centered approach

MyTitle: Scaling-Up Nutrition: Implementing potentials of nutrition-sensitive and diversified agriculture to increase food security
MyLinkAnsehenUrl:, Project details
MyLinkPDFUrl:, Feld 01/2019
Struktureinheiten:Label: NewWindow: False

Scaling-Up Nutrition: Implementing potentials of nutrition-sensitive and diversified agriculture to increase food security




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T +49 (0)33432 82-378
T +49 (0)33432 82-4075


Leibniz-Zentrum für Agrarlandschaftsforschung (ZALF) e. V.

Eberswalder Straße 84
15374 Müncheberg


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