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​​​​​​Research Areas​

ZALF derives its research questions from societal questions which are of high relevance in agricultural landscapes. They are addressed in three interdisciplinary Research Areas (RA), which are closely interlinked via topical and methodological interfaces. While Research Area 1 "Landscape Functioning" deals with processes, feedbacks and cause-and-effect relationships in agricultural landscapes, Research Area 2 "Land Use and Governance" focuses on the interactions between agricultural use, ecosystem services and biodiversity as well as on suitable governance approaches for the sustainable development of agricultural landscapes. Taking into account the results from Research Areas 1 and 2 as well as external data and knowledge sources, Research Area 3 "Agricultural Landscape systems" develops methods and applications to synthesize the analytical understanding of natural and socio-economic processes in landscapes into action-relevant knowledge, thereby making it available for comprehensive impact assessments as well as decision support for actors in business, politics, science and society.​


Innovation Centre for Agricultural System Transformation

The Innovation Centre for Agricultural System Transformation (IAT)​ will be established as a new research and service unit of ZALF in cooperation with the Justus Liebig University Giessen, the University of Kassel and Hochschule Geisenheim University. The focus will be on the joint development of sustainable and context-related solutions for agricultural and food systems in co-design processes. From 2026, five Living Labs are to be established in Brandenburg and Hesse in cooperation with regional stakeholders. Long-term, multi-decade cooperation structures will be developed with relevant stakeholders in land use and policy, both locally and at the landscape scale.


Research and Infrastructure Platforms

The thematic work in the Research Areas is reinforced and interlinked by a Research Platform, which combines research and services. The Research Platform "Data analysis & Simulation" drives research activities on agricultural landscape data and models and develops analysis and simulation methods. Furthermore it delivers services for thematic research in the Research Areas. The numerous ZALF research infrastructures at the field and landscape scale are clustered in the "Experimental Infrastructure Platform". The two platforms therefore play a special role in the integration of the thematic research activities in the Research Areas. They enable ZALF to collect, provide and evaluate research data and modeling results from modern agricultural landscape research in an efficient, goal- and user-oriented manner.

ZALF structure 


Administration and Services

Central units such as the Directorate, the Administration and further service facilities provide a wide range of internal services to maintain and support ZALF’s research activities.​


Research Areas

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Research Areas and Platforms of ZALF

MyLinkAnsehenUrl:, Research Area 1 "Landscape Functioning" - 1

Research Area 1 "Landscape Functioning"

MyLinkAnsehenUrl:, WG: Landscape Pedology - 2

WG: Landscape Pedology

MyLinkAnsehenUrl:, WG: Silicon Biogeochemistry - 2

WG: Silicon Biogeochemistry

MyLinkAnsehenUrl:, WG: Isotope Biogeochemistry and Gas Fluxes - 2

WG: Isotope Biogeochemistry and Gas Fluxes

MyLinkAnsehenUrl:, WG: Microbial Biogeochemistry - 2

WG: Microbial Biogeochemistry

MyLinkAnsehenUrl:, WG: Root-Soil Interaction - 2

WG: Root-Soil Interaction

MyLinkAnsehenUrl:, WG: Soil Erosion and Feedback - 2

WG: Soil Erosion and Feedback

MyLinkAnsehenUrl:, Research Area 2 'Land Use and Governance" - 1

Research Area 2 'Land Use and Governance"

MyLinkAnsehenUrl:, WG: Resource-Efficient Cropping Systems - 2

WG: Resource-Efficient Cropping Systems

MyLinkAnsehenUrl:, WG: Sustainable Grassland Systems - 2

WG: Sustainable Grassland Systems

MyLinkAnsehenUrl:, WG: Provisioning of Ecosystem Services in Agricultural Systems - 2

WG: Provisioning of Ecosystem Services in Agricultural Systems

MyLinkAnsehenUrl:, WG: Provisioning of Biodiversity in Agricultural Systems - 2

WG: Provisioning of Biodiversity in Agricultural Systems

MyLinkAnsehenUrl:, WG: Biodiversity of Aquatic and Semiaquatic Landscape Features - 2

WG: Biodiversity of Aquatic and Semiaquatic Landscape Features

MyLinkAnsehenUrl:, WG: Lowland Hydrology and Water Management - 2

WG: Lowland Hydrology and Water Management

MyLinkAnsehenUrl:, WG: Ecosystem Services Governance - 2

WG: Ecosystem Services Governance

MyLinkAnsehenUrl:, WG: Sustainable Land Use in Developing Countries - 2

WG: Sustainable Land Use in Developing Countries

MyLinkAnsehenUrl:, WG: Co-Design of Change and Innovation - 2

WG: Co-Design of Change and Innovation

MyLinkAnsehenUrl:, WG: Environmental Justice in Agricultural Landscapes - 2

WG: Environmental Justice in Agricultural Landscapes

MyLinkAnsehenUrl:, Research Area 3 "Agricultural Landscape systems" - 1

Research Area 3 "Agricultural Landscape systems"

MyLinkAnsehenUrl:, WG: Impact Assessment of Land Use Changes - 2

WG: Impact Assessment of Land Use Changes

MyLinkAnsehenUrl:, WG: Land Use Decisions in the Spatial and System Context - 2

WG: Land Use Decisions in the Spatial and System Context

MyLinkAnsehenUrl:, WG: Integrated Crop System Analysis and Modelling - 2

WG: Integrated Crop System Analysis and Modelling

MyLinkAnsehenUrl:, WG: Farm Economics and Ecosystem Services - 2

WG: Farm Economics and Ecosystem Services

MyLinkAnsehenUrl:, Research Area 4 "Simulation and Data Science" - 1

Research Area 4 "Simulation and Data Science"

MyLinkAnsehenUrl:, WG: Dimensionality Assessment and Reduction - 2

WG: Dimensionality Assessment and Reduction

MyLinkAnsehenUrl:, WG: Landscape Modelling - 2

WG: Landscape Modelling

MyLinkAnsehenUrl:, WG: Ecosystem Modelling - 2

WG: Ecosystem Modelling

MyLinkAnsehenUrl:, WG: Artificial Intelligence - 2

WG: Artificial Intelligence

MyLinkAnsehenUrl:, WG: Remote Sensing for Agriculture - 2

WG: Remote Sensing for Agriculture

MyLinkAnsehenUrl:, WG: Multi-Scale Modelling - 2

WG: Multi-Scale Modelling

Innovation Centre for Agricultural System Transformation

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The Innovation Centre for Agricultural System Transformation (IAT) will be established as a new research and service unit of ZALF in cooperation with the Justus Liebig University Giessen, the University of Kassel and Hochschule Geisenheim University.

MyLinkAnsehenUrl:, Open IAT site - 1

Innovation Centre for Agricultural System Transformation (IAT)


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The platforms of ZALF with their working groups

MyLinkAnsehenUrl:, Computation and Data Service Platform - 1

Computation and Data Service Platform

MyLinkAnsehenUrl:, WG: Data Infrastructures (Service) - 2

WG: Data Infrastructures (Service)

MyLinkAnsehenUrl:, WG: Research Data Management (Service) - 2

WG: Research Data Management (Service)

MyLinkAnsehenUrl:, WG: Model & Simulation Infrastructure (Service) - 2

WG: Model & Simulation Infrastructure (Service)

MyLinkAnsehenUrl:, Experimental Infrastructure Platform - 1

Experimental Infrastructure Platform

MyLinkAnsehenUrl:, WG: Experimental Station Dedelow (Service) - 2

WG: Experimental Station Dedelow (Service)

MyLinkAnsehenUrl:, WG: Experimental Station Paulinenaue (Service) - 2

WG: Experimental Station Paulinenaue (Service)

MyLinkAnsehenUrl:, WG: Experimental Station Müncheberg (Service) - 2

WG: Experimental Station Müncheberg (Service)

Central Service & Administrative Units

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Central service and administrative units

MyLinkAnsehenUrl:, Directorate - 1


MyLinkAnsehenUrl:, Administration & Services - 1

Administration & Services

MyLinkAnsehenUrl:, International Office - 2

International Office

MyLinkAnsehenUrl:, Scientific Meeting Center - 2

Scientific Meeting Center

MyLinkAnsehenUrl:, Library & Publication Management - 2

Library & Publication Management

MyLinkAnsehenUrl:, Coordination of Science Transfer - 1

Coordination of Science Transfer

Fusszeile der Seite
© Leibniz-Zentrum für Agrarlandschaftsforschung (ZALF) e. V. Müncheberg

Funded by:

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