The service area „Models and Simulation“ duty is the creation, maintenance and further development of the ZALF infrastructure for models and simulations. This concerns especially the application of models, resp. the execution of complex simulations, on the High-Performance-Cluster (HPC) at ZALF.
Further, the service area offers consulting for the implementation or porting of models, for instance to the ZALF-HPC.
CASSIS (Capability ASsisted Simulation InfraStructure) is an environment under construction enabling the coordination of complex simulation scenarios. It will allow the execution of simulations in high performance infrastructures as well as the integration of external users with their data and models.
Mid to long-term the team works on the further development of CASSIS with the objective to simplify the existing systems, increase their flexibility, increase the user base and enable collaboration with external institutions.
Where possible Open-Source principles will be used and developed products will be made publicly available.
If you got ideas, proposals, are interested and/or need to use the model and simulation infrastructure, please talk to us.