We, the Leibniz Centre for Agricultural Landscape Research (ZALF), are guided in our management and leadership decisions by the principles of equality and equal treatment of women and men as well as persons with different social, religious and ethnic origins or gender diversity at work, in education and training, in the family and in the area of social security. As a holder of the certificate of the family and career audit "berufundfamilie", we pursue a family- and life-phase-conscious personnel policy and consciously promote equality in all phases of professional development.
In our Equality Plan, we set out the central principles, goals and measures for promoting gender equality and diversity in everyday professional life and career development, and regulate the role and tasks of the Equal Opportunities Officer.
An equal distribution between women and men in all staff cascade levels and management levels is the goal of ZALF's human resources policy and is to be achieved through concrete measures in the following five areas of action:
- Gender balance in recruitment and career advancement
- Gender balance in the management levels and in decision-making processes;
- Work-life balance
- Integration of the gender dimension in research
- Measures against gender-based violence, including sexual harassment
ZALF is committed to implementing the principles of gender equality in all processes and will evaluate the achievement of objectives every three years and revise the
Gender Equality Plan
Müncheberg, 3.3.2022