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Our mission: Agriculture of the future: environmentally friendly. productive. digital. knowledge-based.

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​​Mission of ZALF is to deliver solutions for an economically, environmentally and socially sustainable agriculture – together with society.

As a contribution to overcoming global challenges such as climate change, food security, biodiversity conservation and resource scarcity, we develop and design crop systems, integrated in their landscape contexts, that combine food security with sustainability. Therefore we process complex landscape data with a unique set of experimental methods, new technologies and models as well as socio-economic approaches.

ZALF research is integrated systems research: starting from processes in soils and plants to causal relationships on the field and landscape level up to global impacts and complex interactions between landscapes, society and economy.

More information on our research strategy: „Reshaping Landscapes by Rethinking Agriculture“ (13 MB)



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In order to fulfil its remit, ZALF combines its research activities into cross-institutional, national and international research projects.

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To Projects


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Publications released by ZALF employees are deposited in the central publication database. There is open access to some of these publications.

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Publications of the past 10 years

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Publications archive

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Handbooks & Study Material

Cooperative Activities

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Cooperative agreements with universities, universities of applied sciences and other research institutions in Germany and abroad are an important basis for joint activities in research and teaching.

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To Cooperative Activities


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Courses held by ZALF employees during the last two semesters listed in the ZALF database​.

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To Teaching

Data Service

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The research data management team supports you along the entire life cycle of (geo)data as an outcome of agricultural landscape research, from the submission of proposals, acquisition and storage of data, to first use and archiving.

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To data service

Landscape Experiments and Living Labs

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Experiments and living labs for sustainable agricultural landscapes

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To Landscape Experiments and Living Labs

Software Downloads

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Software-Downloads: Nitrogen budget calculator, Legume estimation trainer, ROTOR, SAMT, DatasetRanker, HERMES

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To Software Downloads

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© Leibniz-Zentrum für Agrarlandschaftsforschung (ZALF) e. V. Müncheberg

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