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The “audit berufundfamilie” family and career audit

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​​​In December 2017 the ZALF successfully completed the re-audit and has obtained for third time the certificate to audit “Professionandfamily”. The audit is a strategic management instrument that supports the family-aware personnel policy and the anchoring of family-conscious values in a company culture.

Certification ceremony 

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The ZALF offers its approx. 4​50 employees great flexibility for the arrangement of professional and family life. This includes options for mobile work, the mediation of child care, an external consulting for ZALF staff and ​their families, as well as the family-aware Tenure-Track-Process to aid in career development. These opportunities are additionally supported by company measures for Healthcare, as well as support to those returning to work following long-term illnesses.

The ZALF strives to effectively combine a high standard of performance with a sensible family-oriented policy.

More information: Dr. Marion Tauschke, Equal Opportunities Officer/ audit berufundfamilie berufundfamilie® Project Manager

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© Leibniz-Zentrum für Agrarlandschaftsforschung (ZALF) e. V. Müncheberg

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