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Artificial Intelligence for Smart Agriculture

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A sustainable development of agriculture has great potential to alleviate various global challenges, including biodiversity loss, food and water security, as well as climate change. We believe that data science can facilitate this process. The working group is committed to developing and applying cutting-edge data-driven techniques such as interpretable machine learning and deep learning for a broad range of agriculture-related problems. We are interested in exploring the potential of artificial intelligence for improving agricultural management, testing novel hypotheses that cannot be tested with conventional statistical methods, and discovering unexpected patterns from uniquely combined datasets across scales and sectors. We wish to offer AI-powered, Nature-based Solutions for global sustainability challenges.



 Publications WG

MyTitle: Ten deep learning techniques to address small data problems with remote sensing
MyLinkPDFUrl:, Resolve DOI name
MyAutoren: Safonova, A., Ghazaryan, G., Stiller, S., Main-Knorn, M., Nendel, C., Ryo, M. (2023)
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Ten deep learning techniques to address small data problems with remote sensing

Safonova, A., Ghazaryan, G., Stiller, S., Main-Knorn, M., Nendel, C., Ryo, M. (2023)

 Projects WG

MyTitle: KIKompAG - Multi-modal data integration, domain-specific methods and AI to strengthen data literacy in agricultural research
MyLinkAnsehenUrl:, Take a look
MyTextfeld: Start 01.10.2022
Struktureinheiten:Label: NewWindow:

KIKompAG - Multi-modal data integration, domain-specific methods and AI to strengthen data literacy in agricultural research

Start 01.10.2022





Head of working group

Prof. Dr. Masahiro Ryo
T +49 (0)33432 82-206



Leibniz-Zentrum für
Agrarlandschaftsforschung (ZALF) e. V.

Eberswalder Straße 84
15374 Müncheberg

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