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Working groups


Data Infrastructures (Service)

Image of the WG Data Infrastructures (Service)  

This service working group develops and operates the technical infrastructure for the provision and publication of (research) data. Together with the working group “Research Data Management”, various services are offered to meet the needs of users for research data management at ZALF. Among other things, the working group operates the infrastructures necessary for data publication (e.g. BonaRes repository, tools for data transfer and metadata maintenance). In addition, solutions for ZALF-internal (geo)data provision (Portal for ArcGIS) are offered, but also web services required for various work steps in the context of data provision (e.g.helpdesk ticket system, CRM, DOI registration).​

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Contact: Dr. Xenia Specka


Research Data Management

Image of the WG Research Data Management  

This service working group, together with the working group "Data Infrastructures" (DIS), supports the research data management of ZALF. It specializes in the acquisition and publication of soil and agricultural science (geo)data and increases their (added) value with individual solutions. The working group is the contact partner for all ZALF researchers, and also offers its services to the scientific community of soil and agricult​ural sciences. WG RDM supports data management plans, offers training and consulting, and processes (geo)data requests. In doing so, services provided by WG DIS are utilized. The wishes and requirements of researchers regarding research data management are incorporated into the further development of both service groups. WG RDM serves as a link between the technical infrastructure (WG DIS) and the respective users.​

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Contact: Dr. Nikolai Svoboda


Model & Simulation Infrastructure

Image of the WG Model & Simulation Infrastructure 

This working group is engaged in the development of a sustainable base for the modelling and simulation activities of the ZALF working groups. Part of our work is the consolidation of the different models used at ZALF. The goal is to create a common IT infrastructure, which can run these models quickly and efficiently, but at the same time is easily useable by the ZALF scientists. A special focus is on automated machine-to-machine communication for the models. Building upon this work, the WG will implement the technological foundation to integrate inter-methodological and inter-disciplinary models, aiming at having socio-economic and biophysical models running side by side – and interacting with each other – within the ZALF infrastructure.

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Contact: Michael Berg-Mohnicke


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