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Contact persons and documents

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​In addition to the complete overview of all committees and their current members, you will find here all contact persons for matters concerning early career researchers with short explanations.


The 4 most important contacts for organizational questions and support of doctoral researchers and postdocs at ZALF

The central contacts for organizational questions for doctoral students and postdocs are the Coordinator for Early Career Researchers in the Directorate, the Doctoral Commission, which is also relevant for certain matters of postdocs, and the respective representatives for doctoral researchers and postdocs. Together with a representation of the Executive Board and the Works Council, they also form the core group of the permanent internal working group "Early Career Researchers".


Coordination of Early Career Researchers

The coordinator is appointed by the ZALF Executive Board, has the task of moderating contact between the Executive Board and doctoral candidates and postdocs, coordinates central activities and measures of funding and is available as a central contact for questions from doctoral researchers, postdocs and supervisors. She heads the working group "Early Career Researchers". If you have any questions regarding the overall rules and procedure, the guidelines for doctoral researchers and other relevant documents, entries in e-mail lists, trainings and further education for doctoral researchers and postdocs, or general questions regarding funding, this is your central contact point.


Doctoral Commission - formal questions and standards

The ZALF Doctoral Commission consists of three ZALF scientists with experience in supervising doctoral researchers, as well as a member of the Works Council. One member acts as contact person and speaker. The commission examines applications and requests for the conclusion of a supervision agreement, as well as applications for follow-up and start-up financing based on the ZALF "Guideline for conducting doctoral research projects”" and the "Guideline for financing doctoral and postdoctoral researchers from ZALF central funds". The commission forwards their recommendations to the Executive Board. The Doctoral Commission is also the contact point for questions of good supervision practice.


Doctoral representatives - voice and contact for all ZALF doctoral researchers

We, the doctoral representatives, see our role as an interface between the doctoral researchers or PhDs on the one hand and the scientific coordinators and committees of ZALF on the other. We represent the interests of early career researchers in various committees and try to support them in their daily work. We try to promote contact and exchange among doctoral students.

We have an open ear for your questions, ideas and problems! Just contact us at the doctoral researchers' email address or write us an email personally.

We welcome everyone who would like to get involved to further develop the PhD community at ZALF or to learn more about the PhD life at ZALF. Just come and visit us at our next meeting like the PhD-Cafe, we are looking forward to meeting you!


Regular events for doctoral researchers:

PhD-Café: At the PhD-Café, doctoral researchers regularly exchange information on topics related to their doctoral studies, for which we invite speakers from ZALF who can provide support and tips for their doctoral studies or report on interesting experiences.

PhD-Colloquium: Once a month a PhD-Colloquium takes place, where two doctoral researchers either present their research plan at the beginning of their PhD, or their results shortly before handing in their dissertation. After each presentation, there is a discussion with other PhD students and scientists of ZALF, which can provide valuable impulses for further work.

Informal meetings: After the PhD-Colloquium, we meet for lunch in the canteen or, weather permitting, outside. In addition, we organize further meetings, such as barbecues, pub meetings, Christmas parties etc.

Complete representation of the doctoral students: E-Mail Vertretung der Promovierenden 

All doctoral students registered at ZALF can be reached here: E-Mail alle Promovierende 


Postdoc representatives

The postdoc representatives aim to facilitate and improve communication between postdocs, including junior group leaders, and the ZALF Directorate in order to discuss and implement various support measures for early career researchers (ECRs). The aim is to continue and promote the professional and personal development of postdocs in the academic and non-academic field. In accordance with the Leibniz Career Guidelines, the representatives of ZALF Postdocs focus on the development of postdoctoral support measures for further career development, e. g. improving mentoring measures for postdocs or establishing a networking platform. The overall goal is to improve the qualification and career development of Postdocs and to make ZALF even more attractive as a hub for outstanding ECRs.

Total representation of postdocs: E-Mail Vertretung Postdocs 

All postdocs registered at ZALF can be reached here: E-Mail alleg Postdocs 


For questions about research data

The research data management team​ (RDM) supports you along the entire life cycle of (geo)data as an outcome of agricultural landscape research, from the submission of proposals, acquisition and storage of data, to first use and archiving. Additionally, we publish research data for free reuse, make these citable and FAIR. We support the ZALF research by providing geospatial and other data in-house. Take a look at more information about our dat​a service.

Dr. Nikolai Svoboda: E-Mail Nikolai Svoboda


For questions about publishing

The Publication Management offers advice on publishing issues. This includes the selection of suitable publication organs (scientific journals), determination and evaluation of impact factors of scientific journals, questions regarding copyright and exploitation law, matters of "Open Access" as well as the reporting of your published works at ZALF.

Dr. Agnieszka Wenninger: E-Mail Michael Fiebig


For questions regarding literature r​esearch, administration and procurement

The library offers extensive support in literature research and in setting up your own literature management software. The library organizes information events and is also available for individual consultations.

The library staff provides information on all topics related to literature and information supply, procures media and electronic resources as needed and informs about current developments in the library and information landscape.

Library team: E-Mail Michael Fiebig


For questions regarding employment

The Works Council can advise doctoral and post-doctoral students on employment issues on demand and, if necessary, represents their interests vis-à-vis the Executive Board. One member participates in the Doctoral Commission and one in the WG Early Career Researchers.​​


For questions about Good Scientific Practice

The ZALF Ombudspersons are available to all scientists at ZALF for advice and support in matters of good research practice and its violation by scientific dishonesty. This is based on the 19 "Guidelines for Safeguarding Good Research Practice" (see DFG Code of Conduct 2019new tab icon) and the German Research Ombudsmannew tab icon, a body initiated by the DFG. The Leibniz Association has also adopted a​ Leibniz Code for Good Research Practice​new tab icon, in which the Leibniz Association commits itself to the DFG guidelines. ZALF has ratified the Leibniz Code and thus also accepted the DFG guidelines.

Everyone can contact either the German Research Ombudsman or the ZALF Ombudspersons in case of conflicts within the framework of good scientific practice. All inquiries are handled neutrally, fairly and strictly confidentially. The decentralized ombudspersons (i.e. the ZALF ombudspersons) should be contacted first in case of conflicts. The Leibniz Association also has a Central Ombuds Committeenew tab icon, which steps in when the decentralized ombudspersons fail to resolve conflicts.


For questions about equal opportunities

In the doctoral and postdoc phases, the compatibility of work and family can be a particular challenge. The Equal Opportunities Officer is committed to equal opportunities and career advancement, supports family support measures and answers questions about measures in the context of the audit berufundfamilie.


For questions about data security

The Data Security Officer supports the Institute in all matters of data protection.

Mr. Florian Melzer, Dipl. Jur.
ecoprotec GmbH
Pamplonastraße 19
33106 Paderborn

E-Mail: Contact data protection officer

Telephone: +49 341 698 202 80
Email: Contact Melzer


Relevant documents

Details of funding and regulations for doctoral students and supervisors are set out in various internal documents, including

  • Guideline for conducting doctoral research projects at the Leibniz Centre for Agricultural Landscapes (ZALF)
  • Guideline for the programme for advanced trainings for ZALF doctoral researchers
  • Guideline for financing doctoral and postdoctoral researchers from ZALF central funds

Entire document collection on the intranet (access restricted for ZALF internal)

If you have questions about these documents, please contact the coordinator for early career researchers in the Directorate, Ms. Katharina Brüser via E-Mail Doctoral Representatives . ​

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