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Fungal Interactions

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​The working group Fungal Interactions (FungalActions) investigates interactions between microorganisms (filamentous fungi, bacteria and mycorrhizae) in the microbiome of crop plants, in particular of wheat (Triticum L.). These interactions may be coexistent, mutualistic or competing and may have both positive and negative effects on biomass production, yield, and product quality of crops. In this context, the working group is primarily interested in the spread of phytopathogenic and mycotoxin-forming fungi in the field. The interactions between the microorganisms involved are elucidated in combined laboratory, climate chamber, plots, and field experiments. A long-term goal is to minimize the spread of harmful microorganisms in the field by using naturally occurring resources. The employees work with classical as well as molecular biological methods of mycology and bacteriology, phytomedicine, phytotoxicology, and biochemistry and include micrometereological recordings and methods of remote sensing in field investigations.






Head of working group

Dr. Marina E.H. Müller
T +49 (0)33432 82-420



Leibniz-Zentrum für
Agrarlandschaftsforschung (ZALF) e. V.

Eberswalder Straße 84
15374 Müncheberg​

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