2116 | IPP SWBTrans - Kleingewässer in Agrarlandschaften: Ökosystemleistungen räumlich und zeitlich variabler feldinterner Übergangszonen (WP: Interaction with ecosystem services) | IPP SWBTrans - Small Water Bodies in an agricultural landscape: Ecosystem services of spatial and temporal within-field transition zones (WP: Interaction with ecosystem services) | 01/01/2019 00:00:00 | 31/05/2022 00:00:00 | abgeschlossen | completed | Programmbereich 2 „Landnutzung und Governance“,Programmbereich 1 „Landschaftsprozesse“,Programmbereich 3 „Agrarlandschaftssysteme“,Forschungsplattform „Datenanalyse und Simulation“ | Research Area 2 „Land Use and Governance“,Research Area 1 „Landscape Functioning“,Research Area 3 „Agricultural Landscape Systems“,Research Platform „Data Analysis and Simulation“ | x4x3x5x80x19x15x26x29x | Fischer, Cornelia; Balla, Dagmar; Glemnitz, Michael; Müller, Marina; Pätzig, Marlene; Paul, Carsten; Vasić, Filip; Gerling, Marina; Nowroz, Shehra; Kober, Klarissa; Mengsuwan, Konlavach | x33x192x215x250x948x2172x2419x2462x2463x2467x2827x | <div class='ntm_PB2'>PB2</div><div class='ntm_PB1'>PB1</div><div class='ntm_PB3'>PB3</div><div class='ntm_FDS'>FDS</div> | | | 2019 | IPP SWBTrans - Kleingewässer in Agrarlandschaften: Ökosystemleistungen räumlich und zeitlich variabler feldinterner Übergangszonen (WP: Interaction with ecosystem services) IPP SWBTrans - Small Water Bodies in an agricultural landscape: Ecosystem services of spatial and temporal within-field transition zones (WP: Interaction with ecosystem services) Programmbereich 2 „Landnutzung und Governance“,Programmbereich 1 „Landschaftsprozesse“,Programmbereich 3 „Agrarlandschaftssysteme“,Forschungsplattform „Datenanalyse und Simulation“ Fischer, Cornelia; Balla, Dagmar; Glemnitz, Michael; Müller, Marina; Pätzig, Marlene; Paul, Carsten; Vasić, Filip; Gerling, Marina; Nowroz, Shehra; Kober, Klarissa; Mengsuwan, Konlavach Haushalt Research Area 2 „Land Use and Governance“,Research Area 1 „Landscape Functioning“,Research Area 3 „Agricultural Landscape Systems“,Research Platform „Data Analysis and Simulation“ completed abgeschlossen <div class="ExternalClassB9E889E83DE44F9AB1B58B56F9E244E3">Our general objective is to quantify and balance ecosystem services and disservices of kettle holes in arable fields, considering explicitly long-distance effects as well as memory effects of occasional overflowing and falling dry. The project aims at assessing the range and size of kettle hole effects on adjacent arable fields with respect to regulating (water, microclimate, soil, pests), provisioning (crop yield) and supporting (biodiversity, primary production) ecosystem services or disservices, differentiating between kettle holes with fairly stable water level and those that often overflow or fell dry. In detail the project aims at:
<div><ol><li>Assessing and developing methods and methodologies for the assessment of within-field transition zones in dependence on hydromorphological kettle hole types and hydrological boundary conditions, like water table dynamics in dependence on runoff component, and vegetation (WP1);</li><li>Studying the patterns and processes of a. relevant supporting ecosystem services such as biodiversity (WP 2) b. and possible regulating disservices leading to abundance and spread of phytopathogenic fungi (WP 3) on agricultural productivity under real climatic conditions of transition zone between kettle holes and agricultural surroundings;</li><li>Proving, developing and conducting impact assessment for ecosystem services of kettle holes within arable fields (using a newly developed assessment platform) (WP 4).</li></ol></div> Our general hypothesis is that neighboring ecosystems are in interaction with each other. The exchange of energy, material and information between kettle holes and agricultural fields shapes the multitude of functions and services in this transition zone.<br></div> <div class="ExternalClass5013E8B223AA46AEBFB34F59DD0F623D">Our general objective is to quantify and balance ecosystem services and disservices of kettle holes in arable fields, considering explicitly long-distance effects as well as memory effects of occasional overflowing and falling dry. The project aims at assessing the range and size of kettle hole effects on adjacent arable fields with respect to regulating (water, microclimate, soil, pests), provisioning (crop yield) and supporting (biodiversity, primary production) ecosystem services or disservices, differentiating between kettle holes with fairly stable water level and those that often overflow or fell dry. In detail the project aims at:
<div><ol><li>Assessing and developing methods and methodologies for the assessment of within-field transition zones in dependence on hydromorphological kettle hole types and hydrological boundary conditions, like water table dynamics in dependence on runoff component, and vegetation (WP1);</li><li>Studying the patterns and processes of a. relevant supporting ecosystem services such as biodiversity (WP 2) b. and possible regulating disservices leading to abundance and spread of phytopathogenic fungi (WP 3) on agricultural productivity under real climatic conditions of transition zone between kettle holes and agricultural surroundings;</li><li>Proving, developing and conducting impact assessment for ecosystem services of kettle holes within arable fields (using a newly developed assessment platform) (WP 4).</li></ol></div> Our general hypothesis is that neighboring ecosystems are in interaction with each other. The exchange of energy, material and information between kettle holes and agricultural fields shapes the multitude of functions and services in this transition zone.<br></div> IPP SWBTrans <div class="ExternalClassCCB1D72F-649A-42DD-B494-CF679FEEE74A"></div> <div class="ExternalClass41661953-CD1D-42A3-970A-B108CBD26C3C"></div> <div class="ExternalClass37A7997A-3F62-49B1-A2A5-1761B86886F0"></div> <div class="ExternalClass2D8806F5-7304-431E-8E69-7E78B219A735"><ul><li>ZALF Leibniz-Zentrum für Agrarlandschaftsforschung e.V.</li></ul></div> <div class="ExternalClassEFCB4960-DC55-4DAD-97F0-6EABE824AEA0"></div> | <div class="ExternalClassB9E889E83DE44F9AB1B58B56F9E244E3">Our general objective is to quantify and balance ecosystem services and disservices of kettle holes in arable fields, considering explicitly long-distance effects as well as memory effects of occasional overflowing and falling dry. The project aims at assessing the range and size of kettle hole effects on adjacent arable fields with respect to regulating (water, microclimate, soil, pests), provisioning (crop yield) and supporting (biodiversity, primary production) ecosystem services or disservices, differentiating between kettle holes with fairly stable water level and those that often overflow or fell dry. In detail the project aims at:
<div><ol><li>Assessing and developing methods and methodologies for the assessment of within-field transition zones in dependence on hydromorphological kettle hole types and hydrological boundary conditions, like water table dynamics in dependence on runoff component, and vegetation (WP1);</li><li>Studying the patterns and processes of a. relevant supporting ecosystem services such as biodiversity (WP 2) b. and possible regulating disservices leading to abundance and spread of phytopathogenic fungi (WP 3) on agricultural productivity under real climatic conditions of transition zone between kettle holes and agricultural surroundings;</li><li>Proving, developing and conducting impact assessment for ecosystem services of kettle holes within arable fields (using a newly developed assessment platform) (WP 4).</li></ol></div> Our general hypothesis is that neighboring ecosystems are in interaction with each other. The exchange of energy, material and information between kettle holes and agricultural fields shapes the multitude of functions and services in this transition zone.<br></div> | <div class="ExternalClass5013E8B223AA46AEBFB34F59DD0F623D">Our general objective is to quantify and balance ecosystem services and disservices of kettle holes in arable fields, considering explicitly long-distance effects as well as memory effects of occasional overflowing and falling dry. The project aims at assessing the range and size of kettle hole effects on adjacent arable fields with respect to regulating (water, microclimate, soil, pests), provisioning (crop yield) and supporting (biodiversity, primary production) ecosystem services or disservices, differentiating between kettle holes with fairly stable water level and those that often overflow or fell dry. In detail the project aims at:
<div><ol><li>Assessing and developing methods and methodologies for the assessment of within-field transition zones in dependence on hydromorphological kettle hole types and hydrological boundary conditions, like water table dynamics in dependence on runoff component, and vegetation (WP1);</li><li>Studying the patterns and processes of a. relevant supporting ecosystem services such as biodiversity (WP 2) b. and possible regulating disservices leading to abundance and spread of phytopathogenic fungi (WP 3) on agricultural productivity under real climatic conditions of transition zone between kettle holes and agricultural surroundings;</li><li>Proving, developing and conducting impact assessment for ecosystem services of kettle holes within arable fields (using a newly developed assessment platform) (WP 4).</li></ol></div> Our general hypothesis is that neighboring ecosystems are in interaction with each other. The exchange of energy, material and information between kettle holes and agricultural fields shapes the multitude of functions and services in this transition zone.<br></div> | | | <div class="ExternalClassAFC49313-7226-43CE-8FC1-E845886CF86A">Dr. Dagmar Balla; Cornelia Fischer; Marina Gerling; Dr. Michael Glemnitz; Klarissa Kober; Konlavach Mengsuwan; Dr. Marina Müller; Shehra Nowroz; Dr. Marlene Pätzig; Dr. Carsten Paul; Filip Vasic</div> | Glemnitz, Michael;Müller, Marina;Pätzig, Marlene;Paul, Carsten | <div class="ExternalClassE5C8B4D1-C433-464E-9872-63F78D7B25F6">Dr. Michael Glemnitz; Dr. Marina Müller; Dr. Marlene Pätzig; Dr. Carsten Paul</a></div> | | | | | | | | ZALF - Leibniz-Zentrum für Agrarlandschaftsforschung e.V. | <div class="ExternalClass2D8806F5-7304-431E-8E69-7E78B219A735"><ul><li>ZALF Leibniz-Zentrum für Agrarlandschaftsforschung e.V.</li></ul></div> | | 3 | 3 | <a title="Anlage zum Projekt | Project attachment" href=" /de/forschung_lehre/projekte/AttachmentsFoPro/2021_04_22_Handout_SWBTrans_engl_1385.pdf">2021_04_22_Handout_SWBTrans_engl.pdf</a> <a title="Anlage zum Projekt | Project attachment" href=" /de/forschung_lehre/projekte/AttachmentsFoPro/2021_04_22_Handzettel_SWBTrans_dt_1385.pdf">2021_04_22_Handzettel_SWBTrans_dt.pdf</a> | <div class="ExternalClass85AF9089-6860-4209-A381-C5928896D8C5"><ul><li>Bereitstellung von Biodiversität in Agrarsystemen</li><li>Pilzliche Interaktionen</li><li>Folgenabschätzung von Landnutzungsänderungen</li><li>Kleingewässer in der Agrarlandschaft</li></ul></div> | <div class="ExternalClass977C0EA0-D4ED-4336-BB25-93A4FE134144"><ul><li>Provisioning of Biodiversity in Agricultural Systems</li><li>Fungal Interactions</li><li>Impact Assessment of Land Use Changes</li><li>Small Water Bodies in Agricultural Landscapes</li></ul></div> |