948 | NitroEurope - What is the effect of reactive nitrogen (Nr) supply on net greenhouse gas budgets for Europe? | NitroEurope - What is the effect of reactive nitrogen (Nr) supply on net greenhouse gas budgets for Europe? | 01/01/2006 00:00:00 | 31/12/2011 00:00:00 | abgeschlossen | completed | Leibniz-Zentrum für Agrarlandschaftsforschung (ZALF) e. V. (Projekte vor 2018) | Leibniz Centre for Agricultural Landscape Research (ZALF) (project prior to 2018) | x0x | Augustin, Jürgen; Kaiser, Thomas; Müller, Lothar; Werner, Armin; Sommer, Michael | x189x226x249x293x503x | <div class='ntm_ZAL'>ZAL</div> | | | 2006 | NitroEurope - What is the effect of reactive nitrogen (Nr) supply on net greenhouse gas budgets for Europe? NitroEurope - What is the effect of reactive nitrogen (Nr) supply on net greenhouse gas budgets for Europe? Leibniz-Zentrum für Agrarlandschaftsforschung (ZALF) e. V. (Projekte vor 2018) Augustin, Jürgen; Kaiser, Thomas; Müller, Lothar; Werner, Armin; Sommer, Michael Drittmittel Leibniz Centre for Agricultural Landscape Research (ZALF) (project prior to 2018) completed abgeschlossen <div class="ExternalClass3110FB24535141228D3161CDE8E1E514">The objectives are to: ·establish robust datasets of N fluxes and net greenhouse-gas exchange (NGE) in relation to C-N cycling of representative European ecosystems, as a basis to investigate interactions and assess long-term change, ·quantify the effects of past and present global changes (climate, atmospheric composition, land-use/land-management) on CN cycling and NGE, ·simulate the observed fluxes of N and NGE, their interactions and responses to global change/land-management decisions, through refinement of plot-scale models, ·quantify multiple N and C fluxes for contrasting European landscapes, including interactions between farm-scale management, atmospheric and water dispersion, and consideration of the implications for net fluxes and strategies, ·scale up Nr and NGE fluxes for terrestrial ecosystems to regional and European levels, considering spatial variability and allowing assessment of past, present and future changes, ·assess uncertainties in the European model results and use these together with independent measurement/inverse modelling approaches for verification of European N2O and CH4 inventories and refinement of IPCC approaches. </div> <div class="ExternalClass858DA14D0BCF4AF3842A23AC457DE599">The objectives are to: ·establish robust datasets of N fluxes and net greenhouse-gas exchange (NGE) in relation to C-N cycling of representative European ecosystems, as a basis to investigate interactions and assess long-term change, ·quantify the effects of past and present global changes (climate, atmospheric composition, land-use/land-management) on CN cycling and NGE, ·simulate the observed fluxes of N and NGE, their interactions and responses to global change/land-management decisions, through refinement of plot-scale models, ·quantify multiple N and C fluxes for contrasting European landscapes, including interactions between farm-scale management, atmospheric and water dispersion, and consideration of the implications for net fluxes and strategies, ·scale up Nr and NGE fluxes for terrestrial ecosystems to regional and European levels, considering spatial variability and allowing assessment of past, present and future changes, ·assess uncertainties in the European model results and use these together with independent measurement/inverse modelling approaches for verification of European N2O and CH4 inventories and refinement of IPCC approaches. </div> NitroEurope - What is the effect of reactive nitrogen (Nr) supply on net greenhouse gas budgets for Europe? <div class="ExternalClass8F7EEFF1-70C3-4C5F-A911-1C9255645204"><ul><li>2011 Struktur und Dynamik in Bodenlandschaften</li></ul></div> <div class="ExternalClass4B98D1DD-C5B7-4FC0-95E2-864F0D990B83"><ul><li>Agrometerology Department of Agricultural University of Poznan</li><li>Polish Academy of Science Poznan</li></ul></div> <div class="ExternalClass7B2319C0-8F94-46F1-8EC1-85BD8D2EDB8A"></div> <div class="ExternalClass791D28AC-C672-41C9-9C61-8A6252C42191"><ul><li>EU Europäische Union</li></ul></div> <div class="ExternalClass78BEAF65-AC96-4F75-BA1C-41135807E472"><ul><li>Andrzej Kedziora</li><li>Bogdan Chojnicki</li><li>Prof. Dr. Janusz Olejnik</li></ul></div> | <div class="ExternalClass3110FB24535141228D3161CDE8E1E514">The objectives are to: ·establish robust datasets of N fluxes and net greenhouse-gas exchange (NGE) in relation to C-N cycling of representative European ecosystems, as a basis to investigate interactions and assess long-term change, ·quantify the effects of past and present global changes (climate, atmospheric composition, land-use/land-management) on CN cycling and NGE, ·simulate the observed fluxes of N and NGE, their interactions and responses to global change/land-management decisions, through refinement of plot-scale models, ·quantify multiple N and C fluxes for contrasting European landscapes, including interactions between farm-scale management, atmospheric and water dispersion, and consideration of the implications for net fluxes and strategies, ·scale up Nr and NGE fluxes for terrestrial ecosystems to regional and European levels, considering spatial variability and allowing assessment of past, present and future changes, ·assess uncertainties in the European model results and use these together with independent measurement/inverse modelling approaches for verification of European N2O and CH4 inventories and refinement of IPCC approaches. </div> | <div class="ExternalClass858DA14D0BCF4AF3842A23AC457DE599">The objectives are to: ·establish robust datasets of N fluxes and net greenhouse-gas exchange (NGE) in relation to C-N cycling of representative European ecosystems, as a basis to investigate interactions and assess long-term change, ·quantify the effects of past and present global changes (climate, atmospheric composition, land-use/land-management) on CN cycling and NGE, ·simulate the observed fluxes of N and NGE, their interactions and responses to global change/land-management decisions, through refinement of plot-scale models, ·quantify multiple N and C fluxes for contrasting European landscapes, including interactions between farm-scale management, atmospheric and water dispersion, and consideration of the implications for net fluxes and strategies, ·scale up Nr and NGE fluxes for terrestrial ecosystems to regional and European levels, considering spatial variability and allowing assessment of past, present and future changes, ·assess uncertainties in the European model results and use these together with independent measurement/inverse modelling approaches for verification of European N2O and CH4 inventories and refinement of IPCC approaches. </div> | <div class="ExternalClassB8D57A51-26BE-4BC8-B23B-DF72B782BDC5"><ul><li>Inst. für Bodenlandschaftsforschung</li><li>Inst. für Landnutzungssysteme</li><li>Inst. für Landschaftsbiogeochemie</li></ul></div> | <div class="ExternalClassD650D45E-ECA1-439F-A89F-E9B428B44DFE"><ul><li>Inst. of Soil Landscape Research</li><li>Inst. of Land Use Systems</li><li>Inst. of Landscape Biogeochemistry</li></ul></div> | <div class="ExternalClass8CE8FBDE-BC4F-4654-AFD3-8BE2C3558522">Prof. Dr. Jürgen Augustin; Dr. Thomas Kaiser; Prof. Dr. Lothar Müller; Prof. Dr. Michael Sommer; Dr. Armin Werner</div> | Sommer, Michael | <div class="ExternalClassB539296A-3B19-43D6-BC59-9FBC23A8C42B">Prof. Dr. Michael Sommer</a></div> | <div class="ExternalClass8F7EEFF1-70C3-4C5F-A911-1C9255645204"><ul><li>2011 Struktur und Dynamik in Bodenlandschaften</li></ul></div> | <div class="ExternalClassAF197D9B-437C-4054-8C1E-5809B9EE6E44"><ul><li>2011 Structure and dynamics in soil landscapes</li></ul></div> | x121x | <div class="ExternalClass4B98D1DD-C5B7-4FC0-95E2-864F0D990B83"><ul><li>Agrometerology Department of Agricultural University of Poznan</li><li>Polish Academy of Science Poznan</li></ul></div> | x308x302x | | | EU Europäische Union | <div class="ExternalClass791D28AC-C672-41C9-9C61-8A6252C42191"><ul><li>EU Europäische Union</li></ul></div> | <div class="ExternalClass78BEAF65-AC96-4F75-BA1C-41135807E472"><ul><li>Andrzej Kedziora</li><li>Bogdan Chojnicki</li><li>Prof. Dr. Janusz Olejnik</li></ul></div> | 3 | 3 | <a title="Anlage zum Projekt | Project attachment" href=" /de/forschung_lehre/projekte/AttachmentsFoPro/Handout NitroEurope_297.pdf">Handout NitroEurope.pdf</a> | | |