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517CORASON - Ein wissensbasierter Zugang zur nachhaltigen Entwicklung ländlicher Räume - die Veränderung von Experten- und ErfahrungswissenCORASON - A cognitive approach to rural sustainable development - the dynamics of expert and lay knowledges 01/09/2004 00:00:0028/02/2007 00:00:00abgeschlossencompletedLeibniz-Zentrum für Agrarlandschaftsforschung (ZALF) e. V. (Projekte vor 2018)Leibniz Centre for Agricultural Landscape Research (ZALF) (project prior to 2018)x0xSiebert, Rosemarie; Dosch, Axelx275x325x<div class='ntm_ZAL'>ZAL</div> <a href="">CORASON</a><BR />2004 CORASON - Ein wissensbasierter Zugang zur nachhaltigen Entwicklung ländlicher Räume - die Veränderung von Experten- und Erfahrungswissen CORASON - A cognitive approach to rural sustainable development - the dynamics of expert and lay knowledges Leibniz-Zentrum für Agrarlandschaftsforschung (ZALF) e. V. (Projekte vor 2018) Siebert, Rosemarie; Dosch, Axel Drittmittel Leibniz Centre for Agricultural Landscape Research (ZALF) (project prior to 2018) completed abgeschlossen <div class="ExternalClassE33A456477E74437AC44C712B6A8DBFF">Untersuchung des Paradigmenwechsels zu Nachhaltiger Entwicklung, Dynamiken und Zusammenspiel von verschiedenen Wissensarten, Wissenssystemen und Wissenstransfer. Identifizierung des Beitrages der verschiedenen Wissenssysteme (Experten, Manager, Praktiker) zum ländlichen Strukturwandel in ausgewählten Fallstudienregionen. Neue und innovative Formen der Umweltkommunikation und Umweltbildung sowie Umsetzung in nachhaltigen Entwicklungsstrategien, Programmen und Projekten. Identifizierung der wichtigsten Akteure, Institutionen, Wissensformen, Kommunikationswege und -mittel.</div> <div class="ExternalClassBD929DA752FA4107AB420E8D58481F10">We use the study of changes towards sustainable development in rural Europe as a means of illuminating the shape and dynamics of European knowledge society more generally. We define a knowledge society as one which contains not just one but a plurality of knowledges, expert and lay. These range from the scientific, economic, administrative, and managerial to local, practical and ecological knowledge, traditional repertoires, trial and error or experientially-based discoveries. We further define sustainable development as a knowledge-based set of practices, within which the expert form of knowledge has been dominant, but to which non-expert forms can make a significant contribution. We seek to identify the dynamics of these different knowledges, through case studies in 12 different European countries of rural development projects oriented towards increasing sustainability. </div> CORASON - Ein wissensbasierter Zugang zur nachhaltigen Entwicklung ländlicher Räume - die Veränderung von Experten- und Erfahrungswissen <div class="ExternalClass921C982D-46C1-48DD-8BF1-86C7BE5FA2A2"><ul><li>2005 Steuerung der Agrarlandschaftsentwicklung</li></ul></div> <div class="ExternalClass1C4E0142-7B7D-4514-952E-B71DA4A2A5FC"><ul><li>Agricultural University of Athens</li><li>Centre for Rural Research, Norway</li><li>Consortium of University of Krakow, University of Lodz, Poland</li><li>Czech University of Agriculture, Czech Republic</li><li>Gothenburg University, Sweden</li><li>Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Hungary</li><li>University of Aberdeen, UK (Scotland)</li><li>University of Dublin, Trinity College, Ireland</li><li>University of Napoli, University of Trieste, Italy</li><li>University of Rostock</li><li>University of Valencia, Spain</li><li>University Technica de Lisboa, Portugal</li></ul></div> <div class="ExternalClass8FF71A40-517F-4C00-AEEE-14F80502B187"></div> <div class="ExternalClass7D52A856-4E75-4E8D-84F0-78D93454F35B"><ul><li>EU Europäische Union</li><li>SPECIFIC TARGETED RESEARCH PROJECT FP 6 PRIORITY 7 Citizens and Governance in a Knowledge Based Society</li></ul></div> <div class="ExternalClass1F14CD42-9C1E-4379-B147-A12BE5E81399"></div><div class="ExternalClassE33A456477E74437AC44C712B6A8DBFF">Untersuchung des Paradigmenwechsels zu Nachhaltiger Entwicklung, Dynamiken und Zusammenspiel von verschiedenen Wissensarten, Wissenssystemen und Wissenstransfer. Identifizierung des Beitrages der verschiedenen Wissenssysteme (Experten, Manager, Praktiker) zum ländlichen Strukturwandel in ausgewählten Fallstudienregionen. Neue und innovative Formen der Umweltkommunikation und Umweltbildung sowie Umsetzung in nachhaltigen Entwicklungsstrategien, Programmen und Projekten. Identifizierung der wichtigsten Akteure, Institutionen, Wissensformen, Kommunikationswege und -mittel.</div><div class="ExternalClassBD929DA752FA4107AB420E8D58481F10">We use the study of changes towards sustainable development in rural Europe as a means of illuminating the shape and dynamics of European knowledge society more generally. We define a knowledge society as one which contains not just one but a plurality of knowledges, expert and lay. These range from the scientific, economic, administrative, and managerial to local, practical and ecological knowledge, traditional repertoires, trial and error or experientially-based discoveries. We further define sustainable development as a knowledge-based set of practices, within which the expert form of knowledge has been dominant, but to which non-expert forms can make a significant contribution. We seek to identify the dynamics of these different knowledges, through case studies in 12 different European countries of rural development projects oriented towards increasing sustainability. </div><div class="ExternalClassA84559D0-E41C-4AC6-9BF1-741AD6843163"><ul><li>Inst. für Sozioökonomie</li></ul></div><div class="ExternalClass67DF30C7-7BB0-4CF7-BF00-88535FF7E950"><ul><li>Inst. of Socio-Economics</li></ul></div><div class="ExternalClass0D6259B2-380D-41E7-A1B3-DC514632D625">Axel Dosch; Dr. Rosemarie Siebert</div>Siebert, Rosemarie<div class="ExternalClass39D0228B-9A3D-44CE-A9B7-3C98312D05E3">Dr. Rosemarie Siebert</a></div><div class="ExternalClass921C982D-46C1-48DD-8BF1-86C7BE5FA2A2"><ul><li>2005 Steuerung der Agrarlandschaftsentwicklung</li></ul></div><div class="ExternalClassDDFB60DE-9B75-4D0E-9CD5-6BD713B1CEC8"><ul><li>2005 Steuerung der Agrarlandschaftsentwicklung</li></ul></div>x7x<div class="ExternalClass1C4E0142-7B7D-4514-952E-B71DA4A2A5FC"><ul><li>Agricultural University of Athens</li><li>Centre for Rural Research, Norway</li><li>Consortium of University of Krakow, University of Lodz, Poland</li><li>Czech University of Agriculture, Czech Republic</li><li>Gothenburg University, Sweden</li><li>Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Hungary</li><li>University of Aberdeen, UK (Scotland)</li><li>University of Dublin, Trinity College, Ireland</li><li>University of Napoli, University of Trieste, Italy</li><li>University of Rostock</li><li>University of Valencia, Spain</li><li>University Technica de Lisboa, Portugal</li></ul></div>x240x87x82x88x79x80x86x276x83x241x81x85x  EU Europäische Union; SPECIFIC TARGETED RESEARCH PROJECT FP 6 PRIORITY 7 Citizens and Governance in a Knowledge Based Society<div class="ExternalClass7D52A856-4E75-4E8D-84F0-78D93454F35B"><ul><li>EU Europäische Union</li><li>SPECIFIC TARGETED RESEARCH PROJECT FP 6 PRIORITY 7 Citizens and Governance in a Knowledge Based Society</li></ul></div> 33<a title="Anlage zum Projekt | Project attachment" href=" /de/forschung_lehre/projekte/AttachmentsFoPro/CORASON _handout_164.pdf">CORASON _handout.pdf</a>  
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