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1674Zusammenhang von aquatischen Pilzen und ihrer ÖkosystemfunktionLinking aquatic mycodiversity to ecosystem function01/06/2014 00:00:0031/12/2017 00:00:00abgeschlossencompletedLeibniz-Zentrum für Agrarlandschaftsforschung (ZALF) e. V. (Projekte vor 2018)Leibniz Centre for Agricultural Landscape Research (ZALF) (project prior to 2018)x0xPremke, Katrin; Taube, Robertx1208x1725x<div class='ntm_ZAL'>ZAL</div>  2014 Zusammenhang von aquatischen Pilzen und ihrer Ökosystemfunktion Linking aquatic mycodiversity to ecosystem function Leibniz-Zentrum für Agrarlandschaftsforschung (ZALF) e. V. (Projekte vor 2018) Premke, Katrin; Taube, Robert Drittmittel Leibniz Centre for Agricultural Landscape Research (ZALF) (project prior to 2018) completed abgeschlossen <div class="ExternalClassF4CD6F487335453E9DA9EC439CCF942D"><p>Fungi play a critical role in the functioning of aquatic ecosystems, particularly in the biogeochemical processing of organic carbon. Because of current changes to the global carbon budget, the understanding of functional diversity of aquatic fungi is of paramount importance. They remain largely unknown and their study requires novel methods and interdisciplinary concepts. We propose a multi-disciplinary approach that combines the development of new genetic techniques with experiments in laboratory cultures and natural ecosystems. Based on their expertise and the available infrastructure, the participants persue the long-term goal of establishing a Leibniz Initiative for Aquatic Mycology.<br></p></div> <div class="ExternalClass9CB4CCB44D6543B88070A5BCE27B3394"><p>Fungi play a critical role in the functioning of aquatic ecosystems, particularly in the biogeochemical processing of organic carbon. Because of current changes to the global carbon budget, the understanding of functional diversity of aquatic fungi is of paramount importance. They remain largely unknown and their study requires novel methods and interdisciplinary concepts. We propose a multi-disciplinary approach that combines the development of new genetic techniques with experiments in laboratory cultures and natural ecosystems. Based on their expertise and the available infrastructure, the participants persue the long-term goal of establishing a Leibniz Initiative for Aquatic Mycology.​<br></p></div> 7302 SAW IGB MycoLink <div class="ExternalClassD68EE468-027F-4122-9B7D-065F2F1163C9"><ul><li>2014 Biodiversität und Landschaftsfunktionen - biotische und abiotische Interaktionen und Stoffdynamik über Skalenebenen</li></ul></div> <div class="ExternalClass70079443-316D-4CA0-82AC-80F1A3353002"><ul><li>Leibniz-Institut für Gewässerökologie und Binnenfischerei</li></ul></div> <div class="ExternalClassBED6D9B4-0369-4101-81C0-3F4A5F02666A"><ul><li>keine Auswahl / Liste unvollständig</li></ul></div> <div class="ExternalClassD68AC6E2-6CCD-4F59-A085-E76612085710"></div> <div class="ExternalClass28AD1AC9-CEE7-4B5C-85D1-B043D23E2D16"></div><div class="ExternalClassF4CD6F487335453E9DA9EC439CCF942D"><p>Fungi play a critical role in the functioning of aquatic ecosystems, particularly in the biogeochemical processing of organic carbon. Because of current changes to the global carbon budget, the understanding of functional diversity of aquatic fungi is of paramount importance. They remain largely unknown and their study requires novel methods and interdisciplinary concepts. We propose a multi-disciplinary approach that combines the development of new genetic techniques with experiments in laboratory cultures and natural ecosystems. Based on their expertise and the available infrastructure, the participants persue the long-term goal of establishing a Leibniz Initiative for Aquatic Mycology.<br></p></div><div class="ExternalClass9CB4CCB44D6543B88070A5BCE27B3394"><p>Fungi play a critical role in the functioning of aquatic ecosystems, particularly in the biogeochemical processing of organic carbon. Because of current changes to the global carbon budget, the understanding of functional diversity of aquatic fungi is of paramount importance. They remain largely unknown and their study requires novel methods and interdisciplinary concepts. We propose a multi-disciplinary approach that combines the development of new genetic techniques with experiments in laboratory cultures and natural ecosystems. Based on their expertise and the available infrastructure, the participants persue the long-term goal of establishing a Leibniz Initiative for Aquatic Mycology.​<br></p></div><div class="ExternalClass17E33C5F-0732-40B4-A917-0D1D924634C9"><ul><li>Inst. für Landschaftsbiogeochemie</li></ul></div><div class="ExternalClass8D91DFB1-9AD9-4E3F-80BD-EBF71AA7DA21"><ul><li>Inst. of Landscape Biogeochemistry</li></ul></div><div class="ExternalClass6BF10EF6-3985-4FB3-A566-1D11B9494151">Dr. Katrin Premke; Robert Taube</div>Premke, Katrin<div class="ExternalClass4A791EE8-0C61-4BBA-AB7F-90042294AD0E">Dr. Katrin Premke</a></div><div class="ExternalClassD68EE468-027F-4122-9B7D-065F2F1163C9"><ul><li>2014 Biodiversität und Landschaftsfunktionen - biotische und abiotische Interaktionen und Stoffdynamik über Skalenebenen</li></ul></div> x236x<div class="ExternalClass70079443-316D-4CA0-82AC-80F1A3353002"><ul><li>Leibniz-Institut für Gewässerökologie und Binnenfischerei</li></ul></div>x71x<div class="ExternalClassBED6D9B4-0369-4101-81C0-3F4A5F02666A"><ul><li>keine Auswahl / Liste unvollständig</li></ul></div>    33   
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