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1218Spatio-temporal belowground resource complementarity and species interactions as a mechanistic basis for biodiversity-ecosystem functioning relationshipsSpatio-temporal belowground resource complementarity and species interactions as a mechanistic basis for biodiversity-ecosystem functioning relationships15/09/2010 00:00:0014/09/2013 00:00:00abgeschlossencompletedLeibniz-Zentrum für Agrarlandschaftsforschung (ZALF) e. V. (Projekte vor 2018)Leibniz Centre for Agricultural Landscape Research (ZALF) (project prior to 2018)x0xGeßler, Arthurx1085x<div class='ntm_ZAL'>ZAL</div> <a href=""></a><BR />2010 Spatio-temporal belowground resource complementarity and species interactions as a mechanistic basis for biodiversity-ecosystem functioning relationships Spatio-temporal belowground resource complementarity and species interactions as a mechanistic basis for biodiversity-ecosystem functioning relationships Leibniz-Zentrum für Agrarlandschaftsforschung (ZALF) e. V. (Projekte vor 2018) Geßler, Arthur Drittmittel Leibniz Centre for Agricultural Landscape Research (ZALF) (project prior to 2018) completed abgeschlossen <div class="ExternalClass1283F7C78C234DA69A42EC1F1FB61BA8">We will quantify belowground multidimensional niche differentiation and overlap among co-occurring species to study resource use complementarity, which is thought to be one major mechanism for positive biodiversity-ecosystem functioning relationships. Such complementarity may occur if plants partition their resources when growing in mixtures, leading to reduced niche overlap. We will study belowground interactions by detailed measurements of root distribution based on classical root coring and innovative molecular species identification, combined with state-of-the-art isotopic and non-isotopic tracer applications to quantify root activity patterns in space and time. The study will use all plots of the Jena Experiment, as well as the environmentally controlled model systems (Montpellier Ecotron Experiment). In addition, mesocosm experiments will yield detailed information on species-specific root traits and belowground competitive intensity.</div> <div class="ExternalClass6988B433A38745B8BADC627D4C8ECE35">We will quantify belowground multidimensional niche differentiation and overlap among co-occurring species to study resource use complementarity, which is thought to be one major mechanism for positive biodiversity-ecosystem functioning relationships. Such complementarity may occur if plants partition their resources when growing in mixtures, leading to reduced niche overlap. We will study belowground interactions by detailed measurements of root distribution based on classical root coring and innovative molecular species identification, combined with state-of-the-art isotopic and non-isotopic tracer applications to quantify root activity patterns in space and time. The study will use all plots of the Jena Experiment, as well as the environmentally controlled model systems (Montpellier Ecotron Experiment). In addition, mesocosm experiments will yield detailed information on species-specific root traits and belowground competitive intensity.</div> Spatio-temporal belowground resource complementarity and species interactions as a mechanistic basis for biodiversity-ecosystem functioning relationships <div class="ExternalClassB65441C4-C6F5-4D9A-8220-DD66B886F457"><ul><li>2013 Biodiversität und Landschaftsfunktionen - biotische und abiotische Interaktionen und Stoffdynamik über Skalenebenen</li></ul></div> <div class="ExternalClassCA0BCB4B-1D92-45A3-93B7-C24AB263E1C0"><ul><li>Universität Freiburg</li><li>Universität Leipzig</li><li>University of Nijmegen</li></ul></div> <div class="ExternalClassE7D3C4F1-2DDE-4E32-B691-41E6867C5434"><ul><li>Sonderforschungsbereiche, Schwerpunkte, Transregios, Forschergruppen</li></ul></div> <div class="ExternalClass5E20AF42-9214-4346-A8D3-C7E506386002"><ul><li>DFG FOR 1451: Exploring mechanisms underlying the relationship between biodiversity and ecosystem functioning</li></ul></div> <div class="ExternalClassFB62CB3F-D024-4827-B6EB-FE7C4442AE72"><ul><li>Alexandra Weigelt</li><li>Hans de Kroon</li><li>Lisje Mommer</li><li>Michael Scherer-Lorenzen</li></ul></div><div class="ExternalClass1283F7C78C234DA69A42EC1F1FB61BA8">We will quantify belowground multidimensional niche differentiation and overlap among co-occurring species to study resource use complementarity, which is thought to be one major mechanism for positive biodiversity-ecosystem functioning relationships. Such complementarity may occur if plants partition their resources when growing in mixtures, leading to reduced niche overlap. We will study belowground interactions by detailed measurements of root distribution based on classical root coring and innovative molecular species identification, combined with state-of-the-art isotopic and non-isotopic tracer applications to quantify root activity patterns in space and time. The study will use all plots of the Jena Experiment, as well as the environmentally controlled model systems (Montpellier Ecotron Experiment). In addition, mesocosm experiments will yield detailed information on species-specific root traits and belowground competitive intensity.</div><div class="ExternalClass6988B433A38745B8BADC627D4C8ECE35">We will quantify belowground multidimensional niche differentiation and overlap among co-occurring species to study resource use complementarity, which is thought to be one major mechanism for positive biodiversity-ecosystem functioning relationships. Such complementarity may occur if plants partition their resources when growing in mixtures, leading to reduced niche overlap. We will study belowground interactions by detailed measurements of root distribution based on classical root coring and innovative molecular species identification, combined with state-of-the-art isotopic and non-isotopic tracer applications to quantify root activity patterns in space and time. The study will use all plots of the Jena Experiment, as well as the environmentally controlled model systems (Montpellier Ecotron Experiment). In addition, mesocosm experiments will yield detailed information on species-specific root traits and belowground competitive intensity.</div><div class="ExternalClassF84DB94B-60B6-4E0D-AE7F-1BE5EDBEA3D1"><ul><li>Inst. für Landschaftsbiogeochemie</li></ul></div><div class="ExternalClass9F10FEEB-7555-43B8-9D44-0B2582231D38"><ul><li>Inst. of Landscape Biogeochemistry</li></ul></div><div class="ExternalClass13F5E4F2-C9ED-4AE5-9B00-2773250313C4">Prof. Dr. Arthur Geßler</div>Geßler, Arthur<div class="ExternalClass31B0AECE-8F70-424E-B309-7EB089B3E060">Prof. Dr. Arthur Geßler</a></div><div class="ExternalClassB65441C4-C6F5-4D9A-8220-DD66B886F457"><ul><li>2013 Biodiversität und Landschaftsfunktionen - biotische und abiotische Interaktionen und Stoffdynamik über Skalenebenen</li></ul></div><div class="ExternalClassC303FD31-0544-45DE-BD98-1576891E0BB9"><ul><li>2013 Biodiversity and landscape functions - biotic and abiotic interactions and matter dynamics at different scales</li></ul></div>x199x<div class="ExternalClassCA0BCB4B-1D92-45A3-93B7-C24AB263E1C0"><ul><li>Universität Freiburg</li><li>Universität Leipzig</li><li>University of Nijmegen</li></ul></div>x1143x992x375x<div class="ExternalClassE7D3C4F1-2DDE-4E32-B691-41E6867C5434"><ul><li>Sonderforschungsbereiche, Schwerpunkte, Transregios, Forschergruppen</li></ul></div> DFG FOR 1451: Exploring mechanisms underlying the relationship between biodiversity and ecosystem functioning<div class="ExternalClass5E20AF42-9214-4346-A8D3-C7E506386002"><ul><li>DFG FOR 1451: Exploring mechanisms underlying the relationship between biodiversity and ecosystem functioning</li></ul></div><div class="ExternalClassFB62CB3F-D024-4827-B6EB-FE7C4442AE72"><ul><li>Alexandra Weigelt</li><li>Hans de Kroon</li><li>Lisje Mommer</li><li>Michael Scherer-Lorenzen</li></ul></div>33   
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© Leibniz-Zentrum für Agrarlandschaftsforschung (ZALF) e. V. Müncheberg

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