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1209Interaktionen zwischen Kohlenstoff- und Wasserhaushalt in Buchen-dominierten Wäldern - von der Wassernutzungseffizienz auf Blattebene hin zu Untersuchungen auf Bestandes- und LandschaftsebeneThe irrelation of carbon and water balance in beech-dominated forests - from leaf level water use efficiency to stand and area scale assessments15/05/2010 00:00:0014/05/2013 00:00:00abgeschlossencompletedLeibniz-Zentrum für Agrarlandschaftsforschung (ZALF) e. V. (Projekte vor 2018)Leibniz Centre for Agricultural Landscape Research (ZALF) (project prior to 2018)x0xKayler, Zachary; Geßler, Arthur; Hommel, Robert; Hentschel, Rainerx1010x1085x1147x1179x<div class='ntm_ZAL'>ZAL</div>  2010 Interaktionen zwischen Kohlenstoff- und Wasserhaushalt in Buchen-dominierten Wäldern - von der Wassernutzungseffizienz auf Blattebene hin zu Untersuchungen auf Bestandes- und Landschaftsebene The irrelation of carbon and water balance in beech-dominated forests - from leaf level water use efficiency to stand and area scale assessments Leibniz-Zentrum für Agrarlandschaftsforschung (ZALF) e. V. (Projekte vor 2018) Kayler, Zachary; Geßler, Arthur; Hommel, Robert; Hentschel, Rainer Drittmittel Leibniz Centre for Agricultural Landscape Research (ZALF) (project prior to 2018) completed abgeschlossen <div class="ExternalClass33B9016C2D9747B2BD294B2F5BC0B17D">The interactions between the carbon (C) balance and the water relations in beech and competing vegetation as affected by climate and climate-related environmental conditions are assessed. Spanning this characterisation from the leaf level to the area scale we will combine (a) natural abundance stable isotope analysis and modelling, (b) water and C flux analysis and (c) a tree hydrodynamic model supplemented with a carbon transport module. On the leaf level we focus on the effects of mesophyll conductance and its importance for water use efficiency strategies on the one hand and its effects on isotope fractionation models on the other hand. On the plant level we will assess C and water transport and metabolite fluxes applying stable isotope tracers. The tree hydrodynamic model developed in the research group FOR 788 will be coupled to a phloem flow and C transport model and isotope fractionation modules will be incorporated. For upscaling the physiological information encoded in tree rings to the ecosystem and area scale we will combine isotopic landscape (isoscape) approaches with oxygen and C stable isotope modelling. The experimental and model-based assessments of the water and C balance and of competitive interactions on the leaf, tree and landscape level will be closely related and coupled to the mechanistic stand modelling approach MoBiLE developed by the 2nd project (P2) of this application bundle.</div> <div class="ExternalClassCDCC893F281D4D8D8399FBDC52D38FEF">​The interactions between the carbon (C) balance and the water relations in beech and competing vegetation as affected by climate and climate-related environmental conditions are assessed. Spanning this characterisation from the leaf level to the area scale we will combine (a) natural abundance stable isotope analysis and modelling, (b) water and C flux analysis and (c) a tree hydrodynamic model supplemented with a carbon transport module. On the leaf level we focus on the effects of mesophyll conductance and its importance for water use efficiency strategies on the one hand and its effects on isotope fractionation models on the other hand. On the plant level we will assess C and water transport and metabolite fluxes applying stable isotope tracers. The tree hydrodynamic model developed in the research group FOR 788 will be coupled to a phloem flow and C transport model and isotope fractionation modules will be incorporated. For upscaling the physiological information encoded in tree rings to the ecosystem and area scale we will combine isotopic landscape (isoscape) approaches with oxygen and C stable isotope modelling. The experimental and model-based assessments of the water and C balance and of competitive interactions on the leaf, tree and landscape level will be closely related and coupled to the mechanistic stand modelling approach MoBiLE developed by the 2nd project (P2) of this application bundle.​</div> Interaktionen zwischen Kohlenstoff- und Wasserhaushalt in Buchen-dominierten Wäldern - von der Wassernutzungseffizienz auf Blattebene hin zu Untersuchungen auf Bestandes- und Landschaftsebene <div class="ExternalClass447C6C32-DE46-4854-8DD4-B3DC90ADDA06"><ul><li>2013 Landschaftsressourcen bei Klimawandel</li></ul></div> <div class="ExternalClass39CE6CDD-0ED7-478F-95CA-EE3EBA2CB5A8"><ul><li>Helmholtz-Zentrum München</li></ul></div> <div class="ExternalClassE01C786E-1616-4716-9367-CBBABCB485E6"></div> <div class="ExternalClassF6E6B723-B1E9-41BE-A193-8BEC713E3BC1"><ul><li>DFG Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft</li></ul></div> <div class="ExternalClass8343CA44-0B79-4660-A75C-614A207BB6D3"><ul><li>Dr. Eckart Priesack</li></ul></div><div class="ExternalClass33B9016C2D9747B2BD294B2F5BC0B17D">The interactions between the carbon (C) balance and the water relations in beech and competing vegetation as affected by climate and climate-related environmental conditions are assessed. Spanning this characterisation from the leaf level to the area scale we will combine (a) natural abundance stable isotope analysis and modelling, (b) water and C flux analysis and (c) a tree hydrodynamic model supplemented with a carbon transport module. On the leaf level we focus on the effects of mesophyll conductance and its importance for water use efficiency strategies on the one hand and its effects on isotope fractionation models on the other hand. On the plant level we will assess C and water transport and metabolite fluxes applying stable isotope tracers. The tree hydrodynamic model developed in the research group FOR 788 will be coupled to a phloem flow and C transport model and isotope fractionation modules will be incorporated. For upscaling the physiological information encoded in tree rings to the ecosystem and area scale we will combine isotopic landscape (isoscape) approaches with oxygen and C stable isotope modelling. The experimental and model-based assessments of the water and C balance and of competitive interactions on the leaf, tree and landscape level will be closely related and coupled to the mechanistic stand modelling approach MoBiLE developed by the 2nd project (P2) of this application bundle.</div><div class="ExternalClassCDCC893F281D4D8D8399FBDC52D38FEF">​The interactions between the carbon (C) balance and the water relations in beech and competing vegetation as affected by climate and climate-related environmental conditions are assessed. Spanning this characterisation from the leaf level to the area scale we will combine (a) natural abundance stable isotope analysis and modelling, (b) water and C flux analysis and (c) a tree hydrodynamic model supplemented with a carbon transport module. On the leaf level we focus on the effects of mesophyll conductance and its importance for water use efficiency strategies on the one hand and its effects on isotope fractionation models on the other hand. On the plant level we will assess C and water transport and metabolite fluxes applying stable isotope tracers. The tree hydrodynamic model developed in the research group FOR 788 will be coupled to a phloem flow and C transport model and isotope fractionation modules will be incorporated. For upscaling the physiological information encoded in tree rings to the ecosystem and area scale we will combine isotopic landscape (isoscape) approaches with oxygen and C stable isotope modelling. The experimental and model-based assessments of the water and C balance and of competitive interactions on the leaf, tree and landscape level will be closely related and coupled to the mechanistic stand modelling approach MoBiLE developed by the 2nd project (P2) of this application bundle.​</div><div class="ExternalClass573CBBEB-1D06-44BC-A2E2-0EBA438E4E10"><ul><li>Inst. für Landschaftsbiogeochemie</li></ul></div><div class="ExternalClassD33E3D98-BABD-4693-82DC-CACDE9FF1684"><ul><li>Inst. of Landscape Biogeochemistry</li></ul></div><div class="ExternalClassA248E15D-6A82-4C59-840D-DA5CBC799A0A">Prof. Dr. Arthur Geßler; Rainer Hentschel; Robert Hommel; Dr. Zachary Kayler</div>Geßler, Arthur<div class="ExternalClassAC86BB07-EEE6-4FF0-852B-21D4A6A4D92B">Prof. Dr. Arthur Geßler</a></div><div class="ExternalClass447C6C32-DE46-4854-8DD4-B3DC90ADDA06"><ul><li>2013 Landschaftsressourcen bei Klimawandel</li></ul></div><div class="ExternalClass0E7C67B1-E063-4C02-8081-8CC8B05159A6"><ul><li>2013 Landscape resources in the event of climate change</li></ul></div>x200x<div class="ExternalClass39CE6CDD-0ED7-478F-95CA-EE3EBA2CB5A8"><ul><li>Helmholtz-Zentrum München</li></ul></div>x964x  DFG - Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft<div class="ExternalClassF6E6B723-B1E9-41BE-A193-8BEC713E3BC1"><ul><li>DFG Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft</li></ul></div><div class="ExternalClass8343CA44-0B79-4660-A75C-614A207BB6D3"><ul><li>Dr. Eckart Priesack</li></ul></div>33   
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