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2410LegumES - Valorising and balancing the ecosystem service benefits offered by legumes, and legume-based cropped systemsLegumES - Valorising and balancing the ecosystem service benefits offered by legumes, and legume-based cropped systems01/01/2024 00:00:0031/12/2027 00:00:00laufendcurrentProgrammbereich 2 „Landnutzung und Governance“Research Area 2 „Land Use and Governance“x4x16xReckling, Moritzx1364x<div class='ntm_PB2'>PB2</div>  2024 LegumES - Valorising and balancing the ecosystem service benefits offered by legumes, and legume-based cropped systems LegumES - Valorising and balancing the ecosystem service benefits offered by legumes, and legume-based cropped systems Programmbereich 2 „Landnutzung und Governance“ Reckling, Moritz Drittmittel Research Area 2 „Land Use and Governance“ current laufend <div class="ExternalClassBEC1A4A87D61457D92A63EA37EAE5567">​The legumES will ensure&#58; 1, the uptake of best practices in agrobiodiverse legume-based cropped systems; 2, the uptake of methodologies and tools to quantify and balance the environmental and economic ecosystem service (ES) benefits provided by legumes; 3, that the ES benefits and cost offered by legumes are quantified across scales from field, farm, regional, national, and global levels; and 4, ES will be assessed to identify those conditions which are able to meet the EU targets&#58; to decrease agrichemical inputs and losses, combat climate change, reverse biodiversity loss, and ensure the best nutritional provisioning. To achieve this, legumES offers a multidisciplinary consortium comprising 22 partners from 12 EU- and third countries (UK, CH) and including&#58; 7, academic institutions; 6, Research and Technology Organizations; 5, SMEs (or micro-SMEs); 2, non-governmental organisations; and 2, large commercial companies. The individuals comprising legumES offer skills which include&#58; agricultural-crop and -environment (ES) monitoring, life cycle assessment, economic- and socioeconomic-modelling, social-science, EU-agricultural and environmental policy, and law, plus decision support systems. The legumES research and innovation strategy centres on the use of a multiactor action-research approach, that is, where legume-facing stakeholders, and especially producers though all value chains actors, can ‘operate’, ‘collaborate’ and, reflect critically’ on the measured ES benefits and costs of legume-based cropped systems, including legumes use in marginal lands; so that an optimal balance of ES can be achieved with success locally, and globally. To help achieve this LegumES also centres activities on a suite of 25 innovative legume-based Pilot Studies which use a wide range of legume species and types, plus different cropping approaches and linked value chains spanning the pedoclimatic regions of Europe.<br></div> <div class="ExternalClassE7147B1A9EC549859958E06E205CF5C6">​The legumES will ensure&#58; 1, the uptake of best practices in agrobiodiverse legume-based cropped systems; 2, the uptake of methodologies and tools to quantify and balance the environmental and economic ecosystem service (ES) benefits provided by legumes; 3, that the ES benefits and cost offered by legumes are quantified across scales from field, farm, regional, national, and global levels; and 4, ES will be assessed to identify those conditions which are able to meet the EU targets&#58; to decrease agrichemical inputs and losses, combat climate change, reverse biodiversity loss, and ensure the best nutritional provisioning. To achieve this, legumES offers a multidisciplinary consortium comprising 22 partners from 12 EU- and third countries (UK, CH) and including&#58; 7, academic institutions; 6, Research and Technology Organizations; 5, SMEs (or micro-SMEs); 2, non-governmental organisations; and 2, large commercial companies. The individuals comprising legumES offer skills which include&#58; agricultural-crop and -environment (ES) monitoring, life cycle assessment, economic- and socioeconomic-modelling, social-science, EU-agricultural and environmental policy, and law, plus decision support systems. The legumES research and innovation strategy centres on the use of a multiactor action-research approach, that is, where legume-facing stakeholders, and especially producers though all value chains actors, can ‘operate’, ‘collaborate’ and, reflect critically’ on the measured ES benefits and costs of legume-based cropped systems, including legumes use in marginal lands; so that an optimal balance of ES can be achieved with success locally, and globally. To help achieve this LegumES also centres activities on a suite of 25 innovative legume-based Pilot Studies which use a wide range of legume species and types, plus different cropping approaches and linked value chains spanning the pedoclimatic regions of Europe.​<br></div> LegumES <div class="ExternalClass3D256B37-F170-44F4-83FA-AE973D57DF59"></div> <div class="ExternalClassF99A8A99-A453-468A-A57C-80B92F97C16F"><ul><li>AgFutura Technologii Dooel Skopje (AGFT), Nordmazedonien</li><li>Agri Kulti Nonprofit Korlatolt Felelossegu Tarsasag (AgKU), Ungarn</li><li>Alfred-Wegener-Institut, Helmholtz-Zentrum für Polar- und Meeresforschung (AWI)</li><li>ARCADIA International Geie (ARC), Belgien</li><li>Asociación Aprisco de Las Corchuelas (APRI), Spanien</li><li>Creative Minds-Solucoes Globais Decomunicacao Marketing E Gestao Lda (CM), Portugal</li><li>Deutsches Institut für Lebensmitteltechnik (DIL) e.V.</li><li>Eidgenössisches Departement für Wirtschaft, Bildung und Forschung (WBF), Schweiz</li><li>ESSRG Nonprofit Kft, Ungarn</li><li>Forschungsinstitut für biologischen Landbau (FiBL), Schweiz</li><li>Inovacijsko Tehnoloski Grozd Murska Sobota (ITC), Slowenien</li><li>Institut "Jožef Stefan" (IJS), Slowenien</li><li>Potsdam-Institut für Klimafolgenforschung (PIK) e.V.</li><li>RSK ADAS Ltd. (ADAS), Vereinigtes Königreich</li><li>SEGES Innovation P/S (SEGES), Dänemark</li><li>SOLINTAGRO SL (SOL), Spanien</li><li>Terres Inovia (TI), Frankreich</li><li>The James Hutton Institute (JHI), Vereinigtes Königreich</li><li>Universidade Católica Portuguesa (UCP), Portugal</li><li>Universidade de Aveiro (UAvr), Portugal</li><li>Universita Degli Studi di Perugia (UniPG), Italien</li></ul></div> <div class="ExternalClassC44B0F74-20F6-4007-B8C7-7AE94D8B5307"></div> <div class="ExternalClass5546CC94-79DC-4E50-B25F-82F6BDA7D4FE"><ul><li>Europäische Union</li></ul></div> <div class="ExternalClassE227B5E9-0627-4DBE-BEC6-1314738398F7"></div><div class="ExternalClassBEC1A4A87D61457D92A63EA37EAE5567">​The legumES will ensure&#58; 1, the uptake of best practices in agrobiodiverse legume-based cropped systems; 2, the uptake of methodologies and tools to quantify and balance the environmental and economic ecosystem service (ES) benefits provided by legumes; 3, that the ES benefits and cost offered by legumes are quantified across scales from field, farm, regional, national, and global levels; and 4, ES will be assessed to identify those conditions which are able to meet the EU targets&#58; to decrease agrichemical inputs and losses, combat climate change, reverse biodiversity loss, and ensure the best nutritional provisioning. To achieve this, legumES offers a multidisciplinary consortium comprising 22 partners from 12 EU- and third countries (UK, CH) and including&#58; 7, academic institutions; 6, Research and Technology Organizations; 5, SMEs (or micro-SMEs); 2, non-governmental organisations; and 2, large commercial companies. The individuals comprising legumES offer skills which include&#58; agricultural-crop and -environment (ES) monitoring, life cycle assessment, economic- and socioeconomic-modelling, social-science, EU-agricultural and environmental policy, and law, plus decision support systems. The legumES research and innovation strategy centres on the use of a multiactor action-research approach, that is, where legume-facing stakeholders, and especially producers though all value chains actors, can ‘operate’, ‘collaborate’ and, reflect critically’ on the measured ES benefits and costs of legume-based cropped systems, including legumes use in marginal lands; so that an optimal balance of ES can be achieved with success locally, and globally. To help achieve this LegumES also centres activities on a suite of 25 innovative legume-based Pilot Studies which use a wide range of legume species and types, plus different cropping approaches and linked value chains spanning the pedoclimatic regions of Europe.<br></div><div class="ExternalClassE7147B1A9EC549859958E06E205CF5C6">​The legumES will ensure&#58; 1, the uptake of best practices in agrobiodiverse legume-based cropped systems; 2, the uptake of methodologies and tools to quantify and balance the environmental and economic ecosystem service (ES) benefits provided by legumes; 3, that the ES benefits and cost offered by legumes are quantified across scales from field, farm, regional, national, and global levels; and 4, ES will be assessed to identify those conditions which are able to meet the EU targets&#58; to decrease agrichemical inputs and losses, combat climate change, reverse biodiversity loss, and ensure the best nutritional provisioning. To achieve this, legumES offers a multidisciplinary consortium comprising 22 partners from 12 EU- and third countries (UK, CH) and including&#58; 7, academic institutions; 6, Research and Technology Organizations; 5, SMEs (or micro-SMEs); 2, non-governmental organisations; and 2, large commercial companies. The individuals comprising legumES offer skills which include&#58; agricultural-crop and -environment (ES) monitoring, life cycle assessment, economic- and socioeconomic-modelling, social-science, EU-agricultural and environmental policy, and law, plus decision support systems. The legumES research and innovation strategy centres on the use of a multiactor action-research approach, that is, where legume-facing stakeholders, and especially producers though all value chains actors, can ‘operate’, ‘collaborate’ and, reflect critically’ on the measured ES benefits and costs of legume-based cropped systems, including legumes use in marginal lands; so that an optimal balance of ES can be achieved with success locally, and globally. To help achieve this LegumES also centres activities on a suite of 25 innovative legume-based Pilot Studies which use a wide range of legume species and types, plus different cropping approaches and linked value chains spanning the pedoclimatic regions of Europe.​<br></div>  <div class="ExternalClass4BA4B71C-FC1F-4D92-8ED8-6DCF396AF82A">Dr. Moritz Reckling</div>Reckling, Moritz<div class="ExternalClass34E6275D-A97C-4931-885A-B7A1C2F7D3C0">Dr. Moritz Reckling</a></div>   <div class="ExternalClassF99A8A99-A453-468A-A57C-80B92F97C16F"><ul><li>AgFutura Technologii Dooel Skopje (AGFT), Nordmazedonien</li><li>Agri Kulti Nonprofit Korlatolt Felelossegu Tarsasag (AgKU), Ungarn</li><li>Alfred-Wegener-Institut, Helmholtz-Zentrum für Polar- und Meeresforschung (AWI)</li><li>ARCADIA International Geie (ARC), Belgien</li><li>Asociación Aprisco de Las Corchuelas (APRI), Spanien</li><li>Creative Minds-Solucoes Globais Decomunicacao Marketing E Gestao Lda (CM), Portugal</li><li>Deutsches Institut für Lebensmitteltechnik (DIL) e.V.</li><li>Eidgenössisches Departement für Wirtschaft, Bildung und Forschung (WBF), Schweiz</li><li>ESSRG Nonprofit Kft, Ungarn</li><li>Forschungsinstitut für biologischen Landbau (FiBL), Schweiz</li><li>Inovacijsko Tehnoloski Grozd Murska Sobota (ITC), Slowenien</li><li>Institut "Jožef Stefan" (IJS), Slowenien</li><li>Potsdam-Institut für Klimafolgenforschung (PIK) e.V.</li><li>RSK ADAS Ltd. (ADAS), Vereinigtes Königreich</li><li>SEGES Innovation P/S (SEGES), Dänemark</li><li>SOLINTAGRO SL (SOL), Spanien</li><li>Terres Inovia (TI), Frankreich</li><li>The James Hutton Institute (JHI), Vereinigtes Königreich</li><li>Universidade Católica Portuguesa (UCP), Portugal</li><li>Universidade de Aveiro (UAvr), Portugal</li><li>Universita Degli Studi di Perugia (UniPG), Italien</li></ul></div>x4330x4325x4326x4331x4327x4320x4324x4333x4322x4332x4321x4323x4318x4367x4314x4329x4313x4366x4317x4319x4316x  Europäische Union<div class="ExternalClass5546CC94-79DC-4E50-B25F-82F6BDA7D4FE"><ul><li>Europäische Union</li></ul></div> 22 <div class="ExternalClassD92CAFEF-2FFA-407B-8742-8CC322E70BE0"><ul><li>Ressourceneffiziente Anbausysteme</li></ul></div><div class="ExternalClassCA82CAD7-8B75-4E9D-8B41-12FA6831FCB8"><ul><li>Resource-Efficient Cropping Systems</li></ul></div>
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© Leibniz-Zentrum für Agrarlandschaftsforschung (ZALF) e. V. Müncheberg

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