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2155CMRA 2020 Sommerschule über Modellierungsansätze für Klimarisiko und Anpassung im Kontext nachhaltiger IntensivierungInternational Summer School on Modelling approaches for climate risk and adaptation in the context of sustainable intensification01/01/2020 00:00:0017/09/2022 00:00:00abgeschlossencompletedProgrammbereich 3 „Agrarlandschaftssysteme“Research Area 3 „Agricultural Landscape Systems“x5x70xWebber, Heidix2302x<div class='ntm_PB3'>PB3</div>  2020 CMRA 2020 Sommerschule über Modellierungsansätze für Klimarisiko und Anpassung im Kontext nachhaltiger Intensivierung International Summer School on Modelling approaches for climate risk and adaptation in the context of sustainable intensification Programmbereich 3 „Agrarlandschaftssysteme“ Webber, Heidi Drittmittel Research Area 3 „Agricultural Landscape Systems“ completed abgeschlossen <div class="ExternalClass2345A87B86454F9CAB55C100ED95E4B3"><p>Für den 6. bis 12. September 2020 ist im Rahmen des Programms &quot;Wissen für morgen - Kooperative Forschungsprojekte in SSA&quot; eine internationale Sommerschule mit dem Titel &quot;Modellierungsansätze für Klimarisiken und Anpassungen an den Klimawandel im Kontext einer nachhaltigen Intensivierung im semi-ariden Westafrika&quot; geplant. Die gemeinsam vom Leibniz-Zentrum für Agrarlandschaftsforschung (ZALF) und dem International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT) in Bamako, Mali, veranstaltete Sommerschule wird internationale Experten und 26 junge Forscher zusammenbringen, um die Rolle von Modellierungsinstrumenten für Nutzpflanzen kritisch zu beurteilen, um das Klimarisiko zu bewerten und Anpassungen an den Klimawandel für die Landwirtschaftssysteme der Region zu identifizieren.​</p></div> <div class="ExternalClass25A4CDA5223A48C7B3079FF21489611E"><p style="text-align&#58;justify;">An international summer school planned for Sept 6-12, 2020 under the Knowledge for Tomorrow – Cooperative Research Projects in SSA program is<em> </em>proposed entitled&#58; <strong>Modelling approaches for climate risk and climate change adaptations in the context of sustainable intensification in semi-arid West Africa</strong>. Hosted together by the Leibniz Centre for Agricultural Landscape Research (ZALF) and the International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT) in Bamako, Mali, the summer school will bring together international experts and 26 young researchers to critically assess the role of crop modelling tools to assess climate risk and identify climate change adaptations for the region's farming systems.</p><p style="text-align&#58;justify;">&#160;</p><p style="text-align&#58;justify;">The summer school aims to enhance awareness and appreciation of the state of the art in crop modelling for addressing climate risk and sustainable intensification among the region's next generation of researchers and agricultural policy makers. The training will emphasis recent model developments, methodologies for analysis, as well as key limitations in their use and emerging complimentary data driven approaches. Best practices for stakeholder engagement, study design, data processing, scenario formulation, model selection, model parameterization, and uncertainty analysis will be explored. A second aim is to provide students with experience in designing projects considering transdisciplinary perspectives on how and to which extent CSMs can be applied for impact in decision making processes and sustainability outcomes for a range of actors. These learning objectives will be achieved through a balance of lecture with international experts; group discussions with peers and lecturers; model demonstrations; applied tutorial exercises; group work in designing and implementing model based analyses and student presentations. Lectures will be given in either French or English.</p></div> Sommerschule 2020 - ICRISAT Ba <div class="ExternalClassB5B397FD-FE9F-4C3A-A064-1552A04D399D"></div> <div class="ExternalClass5719A1BA-3317-4E4E-81E1-C05BF9F90F07"></div> <div class="ExternalClassB61DB60F-48A7-402D-B819-19F893FC4985"></div> <div class="ExternalClass574F6026-6948-487D-8F90-258EBF2EB489"></div> <div class="ExternalClassAEBB9823-652E-4539-B4C4-6E578C9FD61D"></div><div class="ExternalClass2345A87B86454F9CAB55C100ED95E4B3"><p>Für den 6. bis 12. September 2020 ist im Rahmen des Programms &quot;Wissen für morgen - Kooperative Forschungsprojekte in SSA&quot; eine internationale Sommerschule mit dem Titel &quot;Modellierungsansätze für Klimarisiken und Anpassungen an den Klimawandel im Kontext einer nachhaltigen Intensivierung im semi-ariden Westafrika&quot; geplant. Die gemeinsam vom Leibniz-Zentrum für Agrarlandschaftsforschung (ZALF) und dem International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT) in Bamako, Mali, veranstaltete Sommerschule wird internationale Experten und 26 junge Forscher zusammenbringen, um die Rolle von Modellierungsinstrumenten für Nutzpflanzen kritisch zu beurteilen, um das Klimarisiko zu bewerten und Anpassungen an den Klimawandel für die Landwirtschaftssysteme der Region zu identifizieren.​</p></div><div class="ExternalClass25A4CDA5223A48C7B3079FF21489611E"><p style="text-align&#58;justify;">An international summer school planned for Sept 6-12, 2020 under the Knowledge for Tomorrow – Cooperative Research Projects in SSA program is<em> </em>proposed entitled&#58; <strong>Modelling approaches for climate risk and climate change adaptations in the context of sustainable intensification in semi-arid West Africa</strong>. Hosted together by the Leibniz Centre for Agricultural Landscape Research (ZALF) and the International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT) in Bamako, Mali, the summer school will bring together international experts and 26 young researchers to critically assess the role of crop modelling tools to assess climate risk and identify climate change adaptations for the region's farming systems.</p><p style="text-align&#58;justify;">&#160;</p><p style="text-align&#58;justify;">The summer school aims to enhance awareness and appreciation of the state of the art in crop modelling for addressing climate risk and sustainable intensification among the region's next generation of researchers and agricultural policy makers. The training will emphasis recent model developments, methodologies for analysis, as well as key limitations in their use and emerging complimentary data driven approaches. Best practices for stakeholder engagement, study design, data processing, scenario formulation, model selection, model parameterization, and uncertainty analysis will be explored. A second aim is to provide students with experience in designing projects considering transdisciplinary perspectives on how and to which extent CSMs can be applied for impact in decision making processes and sustainability outcomes for a range of actors. These learning objectives will be achieved through a balance of lecture with international experts; group discussions with peers and lecturers; model demonstrations; applied tutorial exercises; group work in designing and implementing model based analyses and student presentations. Lectures will be given in either French or English.</p></div>  <div class="ExternalClass1C1EEDEE-49D0-4F60-B4CD-7B5EA80764C8">Prof. Dr. Heidi Webber</div>Webber, Heidi<div class="ExternalClassFE084785-7130-4ABA-B47D-270CB4F0C671">Prof. Dr. Heidi Webber</a></div>          33 <div class="ExternalClass51050D56-E79C-45F4-87EB-CE3969BBE315"><ul><li>Integrierte Analyse und Folgenabschätzung in Pflanzenbau- und Grünlandsystemen</li></ul></div><div class="ExternalClass6A262D99-176F-46F4-A7C9-E1774CBB7790"><ul><li>Integrated Crop and Grassland Systems Analysis and Assessment</li></ul></div>
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© Leibniz-Zentrum für Agrarlandschaftsforschung (ZALF) e. V. Müncheberg

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