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1475LandScales - Connecting processes and structures driving the landscape carbon dynamics over scalesLandScales – Connecting processes and structures driving the landscape carbon dynamics over scales 01/01/2012 00:00:0031/05/2016 00:00:00abgeschlossencompletedLeibniz-Zentrum für Agrarlandschaftsforschung (ZALF) e. V. (Projekte vor 2018)Leibniz Centre for Agricultural Landscape Research (ZALF) (project prior to 2018)x0xHoffmann, Carsten; Kayler, Zachary; Geßler, Arthur; Premke, Katrin; Cardoso Lisboa, Carolina; Nitzsche, Kai; Jaconi, Angelica; Yague Gómez , Rubén; Taube, Robertx509x1010x1085x1208x1492x1551x1563x1710x1725x<div class='ntm_ZAL'>ZAL</div> <a href=""></a><BR />2012 LandScales - Connecting processes and structures driving the landscape carbon dynamics over scales LandScales – Connecting processes and structures driving the landscape carbon dynamics over scales Leibniz-Zentrum für Agrarlandschaftsforschung (ZALF) e. V. (Projekte vor 2018) Hoffmann, Carsten; Kayler, Zachary; Geßler, Arthur; Premke, Katrin; Cardoso Lisboa, Carolina; Nitzsche, Kai; Jaconi, Angelica; Yague Gómez , Rubén; Taube, Robert Drittmittel Leibniz Centre for Agricultural Landscape Research (ZALF) (project prior to 2018) completed abgeschlossen <div class="ExternalClassFB3C51806268471D9EAA6D609E5021BB"><p>LandScales integrates the aquatic and terrestrial perspectives of landscape carbon (C) dynamics within a multidisciplinary international collaborative research environment, by characterising relevant structures, processes, and fluxes across scales.The central goal is to characterise C sequestration and release in a moraine landscape representative of the globally widespread landscapes of glacial origin. A major point is the&#160;scaling&#160;of C fluxes and their underlying mechanisms from the plot to the landscape level by accounting for spatio-temporal heterogeneity of structures and functions, and to address the uncertainties of scaling approaches. To achieve a linkage between aquatic and terrestrial systems and bridging of scales, the project is divided into three&#160;Research Topics (RT)&#58; processes and mechanisms (RT1), C-fluxes (RT2) and landscape structures and dynamics (RT3). All RT’s are part of a Research Platform&#160;<em>(RP)</em>&#160;and the supporting&#160;Infrastructural Platform&#160;<em>(IP)</em>. Each RT includes assessments of terrestrial and aquatic systems in a moraine landscape in NE Germany. Within an overarching Research Topic (RT4) the uncertainty in scaling processes and structures from the plot to the landscape level is characterised. The exploration of the mechanistic basis of C fluxes at the landscape scale allows for the prediction of C dynamics as a function of variation in climatic and land use conditions. These objectives are vital for optimising the management of C sequestration at the landscape scale and, thus, are important to sustaining an important ecosystem service for society.​</p></div> <div class="ExternalClass20B76C3B01834820B45B40AC13E3C26A"><p>LandScales integrates the aquatic and terrestrial perspectives of landscape carbon (C) dynamics within a multidisciplinary international collaborative research environment, by characterising relevant structures, processes, and fluxes across scales.&#160;The central goal is to characterise C sequestration and release in a moraine landscape representative of the globally widespread landscapes of glacial origin. A major point is the&#160;scaling&#160;of C fluxes and their underlying mechanisms from the plot to the landscape level by accounting for spatio-temporal heterogeneity of structures and functions, and to address the uncertainties of scaling approaches. To achieve a linkage between aquatic and terrestrial systems and bridging of scales, the project is divided into three&#160;Research Topics (RT)&#58; processes and mechanisms (RT1), C-fluxes (RT2) and landscape structures and dynamics (RT3). All RT’s are part of a Research Platform&#160;<em>(RP)</em>&#160;and the supporting&#160;Infrastructural Platform&#160;<em>(IP)</em>. Each RT includes assessments of terrestrial and aquatic systems in a moraine landscape in NE Germany. Within an overarching Research Topic (RT4) the uncertainty in scaling processes and structures from the plot to the landscape level is characterised. The exploration of the mechanistic basis of C fluxes at the landscape scale allows for the prediction of C dynamics as a function of variation in climatic and land use conditions. These objectives are vital for optimising the management of C sequestration at the landscape scale and, thus, are important to sustaining an important ecosystem service for society.​<br></p></div> 7300 SAW LandScales <div class="ExternalClass25074E93-8E90-4632-8BB2-0911074C00A7"><ul><li>2015 Landschaftsprozesse</li></ul></div> <div class="ExternalClassFDE5DC66-29D1-41AF-80A1-319AF4DF784F"></div> <div class="ExternalClassF522046B-7FB2-44B7-9F9B-DC31600261F1"></div> <div class="ExternalClass1004CB4C-E7E0-426C-9D9F-F4ECF558FC29"></div> <div class="ExternalClassA1C21DF9-6056-4490-BF6F-912FA43387F5"></div><div class="ExternalClassFB3C51806268471D9EAA6D609E5021BB"><p>LandScales integrates the aquatic and terrestrial perspectives of landscape carbon (C) dynamics within a multidisciplinary international collaborative research environment, by characterising relevant structures, processes, and fluxes across scales.The central goal is to characterise C sequestration and release in a moraine landscape representative of the globally widespread landscapes of glacial origin. A major point is the&#160;scaling&#160;of C fluxes and their underlying mechanisms from the plot to the landscape level by accounting for spatio-temporal heterogeneity of structures and functions, and to address the uncertainties of scaling approaches. To achieve a linkage between aquatic and terrestrial systems and bridging of scales, the project is divided into three&#160;Research Topics (RT)&#58; processes and mechanisms (RT1), C-fluxes (RT2) and landscape structures and dynamics (RT3). All RT’s are part of a Research Platform&#160;<em>(RP)</em>&#160;and the supporting&#160;Infrastructural Platform&#160;<em>(IP)</em>. Each RT includes assessments of terrestrial and aquatic systems in a moraine landscape in NE Germany. Within an overarching Research Topic (RT4) the uncertainty in scaling processes and structures from the plot to the landscape level is characterised. The exploration of the mechanistic basis of C fluxes at the landscape scale allows for the prediction of C dynamics as a function of variation in climatic and land use conditions. These objectives are vital for optimising the management of C sequestration at the landscape scale and, thus, are important to sustaining an important ecosystem service for society.​</p></div><div class="ExternalClass20B76C3B01834820B45B40AC13E3C26A"><p>LandScales integrates the aquatic and terrestrial perspectives of landscape carbon (C) dynamics within a multidisciplinary international collaborative research environment, by characterising relevant structures, processes, and fluxes across scales.&#160;The central goal is to characterise C sequestration and release in a moraine landscape representative of the globally widespread landscapes of glacial origin. A major point is the&#160;scaling&#160;of C fluxes and their underlying mechanisms from the plot to the landscape level by accounting for spatio-temporal heterogeneity of structures and functions, and to address the uncertainties of scaling approaches. To achieve a linkage between aquatic and terrestrial systems and bridging of scales, the project is divided into three&#160;Research Topics (RT)&#58; processes and mechanisms (RT1), C-fluxes (RT2) and landscape structures and dynamics (RT3). All RT’s are part of a Research Platform&#160;<em>(RP)</em>&#160;and the supporting&#160;Infrastructural Platform&#160;<em>(IP)</em>. Each RT includes assessments of terrestrial and aquatic systems in a moraine landscape in NE Germany. Within an overarching Research Topic (RT4) the uncertainty in scaling processes and structures from the plot to the landscape level is characterised. The exploration of the mechanistic basis of C fluxes at the landscape scale allows for the prediction of C dynamics as a function of variation in climatic and land use conditions. These objectives are vital for optimising the management of C sequestration at the landscape scale and, thus, are important to sustaining an important ecosystem service for society.​<br></p></div><div class="ExternalClass6EE28439-DCB0-44EB-98AF-A6CA19A5EEFF"><ul><li>Inst. für Landschaftsbiogeochemie</li></ul></div><div class="ExternalClassB7807500-8E03-4A24-BD26-FF101ABEA15E"><ul><li>Inst. of Landscape Biogeochemistry</li></ul></div><div class="ExternalClass7D11570C-078B-4959-9AA0-F5DD8CE9227F">Ph.D. Carolina Cardoso Lisboa; Prof. Dr. Arthur Geßler; Dr. Carsten Hoffmann; Angelica Jaconi; Dr. Zachary Kayler; Kai Nitzsche; Dr. Katrin Premke; Robert Taube; Rubén Yague Gómez </div>Geßler, Arthur;Premke, Katrin<div class="ExternalClassACC9ED3B-E49F-404D-8480-6A67F0291234">Prof. Dr. Arthur Geßler; Dr. Katrin Premke</a></div><div class="ExternalClass25074E93-8E90-4632-8BB2-0911074C00A7"><ul><li>2015 Landschaftsprozesse</li></ul></div><div class="ExternalClass513CCD46-963D-4EFB-BD1C-B99A059FE8D0"><ul><li>2015 Landscape Functioning</li></ul></div>x256x   land use; Optimaization; Climate change; Food Security; Landnutzung; Optimalisierung; Klimawandel; Ernährungssicherheit;    33<a title="Anlage zum Projekt | Project attachment" href=" /de/forschung_lehre/projekte/AttachmentsFoPro/FPD_LandScales_2016_de_762.pdf">FPD_LandScales_2016_de.pdf</a> <a title="Anlage zum Projekt | Project attachment" href=" /de/forschung_lehre/projekte/AttachmentsFoPro/RPD_LandScales_2016_en_762.pdf">RPD_LandScales_2016_en.pdf</a>  
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