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1464Freezing tolerance of genetically enhanced amylopectin starch potatoes (event AV43-6-G7)Freezing tolerance of genetically enhanced amylopectin starch potatoes (event AV43-6-G7)15/11/2011 00:00:0031/12/2013 00:00:00abgeschlossencompletedLeibniz-Zentrum für Agrarlandschaftsforschung (ZALF) e. V. (Projekte vor 2018)Leibniz Centre for Agricultural Landscape Research (ZALF) (project prior to 2018)x0xUlrich, Andreas; Becker, Reginax286x313x<div class='ntm_ZAL'>ZAL</div>  2011 Freezing tolerance of genetically enhanced amylopectin starch potatoes (event AV43-6-G7) Freezing tolerance of genetically enhanced amylopectin starch potatoes (event AV43-6-G7) Leibniz-Zentrum für Agrarlandschaftsforschung (ZALF) e. V. (Projekte vor 2018) Ulrich, Andreas; Becker, Regina Drittmittel Leibniz Centre for Agricultural Landscape Research (ZALF) (project prior to 2018) completed abgeschlossen <div class="ExternalClass8902C42E28E04726899E4AAFE14D6A0D"><p>Tubers of commonly grown potatoes (Solanum tuberosum L.) that remain in the field after the harvest are normally killed by temperatures of below -3°C. However, the recent absence of severe winters has allowed potatoes to survive the cold season and to multiply at a prolific rate. The volunteers are hosts for many potato diseases and compete with rotational crops for light, water and nutrients and hence are controlled through an integrated management approach. Modifications by conventional breeding or a transgenic approach may influence ecological parameters such as the frost tolerance and the tubers` ability to develop volunteer potatoes. The objective of the study was to evaluate the freezing tolerance of a transgenic “amylopectin potato” in comparison to the isogenic control and two reference varieties. The frost hardiness of the tubers was tested in climate chamber experiments under different frost regimes.</p></div> <div class="ExternalClass955D08EB03CD4E62A0DE0DDB8F90EF46"><p>Tubers of commonly grown potatoes (Solanum tuberosum L.) that remain in the field after the harvest are normally killed by temperatures of below -3°C. However, the recent absence of severe winters has allowed potatoes to survive the cold season and to multiply at a prolific rate. The volunteers are hosts for many potato diseases and compete with rotational crops for light, water and nutrients and hence are controlled through an integrated management approach. Modifications by conventional breeding or a transgenic approach may influence ecological parameters such as the frost tolerance and the tubers` ability to develop volunteer potatoes. The objective of the study was to evaluate the freezing tolerance of a transgenic “amylopectin potato” in comparison to the isogenic control and two reference varieties. The frost hardiness of the tubers was tested in climate chamber experiments under different frost regimes.​<br></p></div> BASF Freezing Dr. Ulrich <div class="ExternalClass154D0F62-EA8A-4073-9447-55B81E7A06B7"><ul><li>2013 Biodiversität und Landschaftsfunktionen - biotische und abiotische Interaktionen und Stoffdynamik über Skalenebenen</li></ul></div> <div class="ExternalClassBA2E0797-D78C-4823-82E3-480100DEC2E2"><ul><li>Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut; Bundesforschungsinstitut für ländliche Räume, Wald und Fischerei </li></ul></div> <div class="ExternalClass1D79DF5B-95A7-4DA8-B2A5-82A3122BD8A7"><ul><li>Sonstige Drittmittelprojekte (Land/ Bund/ Stiftungen/ Verbände/ Gesellschaften/ Industrie etc.)</li></ul></div> <div class="ExternalClassE2DC95F8-73A6-4E1B-B8FE-47365E3A81E2"><ul><li>BASF Plant Science GmbH</li></ul></div> <div class="ExternalClass8074A89A-DCBC-4564-80A6-E12F3C75C5FE"><ul><li>Dr. D. Ewald</li></ul></div><div class="ExternalClass8902C42E28E04726899E4AAFE14D6A0D"><p>Tubers of commonly grown potatoes (Solanum tuberosum L.) that remain in the field after the harvest are normally killed by temperatures of below -3°C. However, the recent absence of severe winters has allowed potatoes to survive the cold season and to multiply at a prolific rate. The volunteers are hosts for many potato diseases and compete with rotational crops for light, water and nutrients and hence are controlled through an integrated management approach. Modifications by conventional breeding or a transgenic approach may influence ecological parameters such as the frost tolerance and the tubers` ability to develop volunteer potatoes. The objective of the study was to evaluate the freezing tolerance of a transgenic “amylopectin potato” in comparison to the isogenic control and two reference varieties. The frost hardiness of the tubers was tested in climate chamber experiments under different frost regimes.</p></div><div class="ExternalClass955D08EB03CD4E62A0DE0DDB8F90EF46"><p>Tubers of commonly grown potatoes (Solanum tuberosum L.) that remain in the field after the harvest are normally killed by temperatures of below -3°C. However, the recent absence of severe winters has allowed potatoes to survive the cold season and to multiply at a prolific rate. The volunteers are hosts for many potato diseases and compete with rotational crops for light, water and nutrients and hence are controlled through an integrated management approach. Modifications by conventional breeding or a transgenic approach may influence ecological parameters such as the frost tolerance and the tubers` ability to develop volunteer potatoes. The objective of the study was to evaluate the freezing tolerance of a transgenic “amylopectin potato” in comparison to the isogenic control and two reference varieties. The frost hardiness of the tubers was tested in climate chamber experiments under different frost regimes.​<br></p></div><div class="ExternalClass572F5AA3-E495-4502-B03E-05EB7A1E0CBA"><ul><li>Inst. für Landschaftsbiogeochemie</li></ul></div><div class="ExternalClass3E3BC9B0-84BA-423B-94E4-529DBF95F820"><ul><li>Inst. of Landscape Biogeochemistry</li></ul></div><div class="ExternalClass5AC1DD2B-93DA-47DF-B22C-4F0DC852C360">Dr. Regina Becker; Dr. Andreas Ulrich</div>Ulrich, Andreas<div class="ExternalClass21F5B52B-116F-43B9-B24F-895ABB36CC3F">Dr. Andreas Ulrich</a></div><div class="ExternalClass154D0F62-EA8A-4073-9447-55B81E7A06B7"><ul><li>2013 Biodiversität und Landschaftsfunktionen - biotische und abiotische Interaktionen und Stoffdynamik über Skalenebenen</li></ul></div><div class="ExternalClassCFBB2E89-7919-4A60-8EB6-959BE48163A8"><ul><li>2013 Biodiversity and landscape functions - biotic and abiotic interactions and matter dynamics at different scales</li></ul></div>x199x<div class="ExternalClassBA2E0797-D78C-4823-82E3-480100DEC2E2"><ul><li>Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut; Bundesforschungsinstitut für ländliche Räume, Wald und Fischerei </li></ul></div>x1731x<div class="ExternalClass1D79DF5B-95A7-4DA8-B2A5-82A3122BD8A7"><ul><li>Sonstige Drittmittelprojekte (Land/ Bund/ Stiftungen/ Verbände/ Gesellschaften/ Industrie etc.)</li></ul></div> BASF Plant Science GmbH<div class="ExternalClassE2DC95F8-73A6-4E1B-B8FE-47365E3A81E2"><ul><li>BASF Plant Science GmbH</li></ul></div><div class="ExternalClass8074A89A-DCBC-4564-80A6-E12F3C75C5FE"><ul><li>Dr. D. Ewald</li></ul></div>33   
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