1231 | BERAS - Implementation Baltic Ecological Recycling Agriculture and Society | BERAS - Implementation Baltic Ecological Recycling Agriculture and Society | 10/09/2010 00:00:00 | 30/09/2013 00:00:00 | abgeschlossen | completed | Leibniz-Zentrum für Agrarlandschaftsforschung (ZALF) e. V. (Projekte vor 2018) | Leibniz Centre for Agricultural Landscape Research (ZALF) (project prior to 2018) | x0x | Berger, Dorett; Winter, Annemarie; Bachinger, Johann; Stein-Bachinger, Karin; Hufnagel, Johannes; Reckling, Moritz | x6x112x190x280x330x1364x | <div class='ntm_ZAL'>ZAL</div> | | <a href="http://www.beras.eu">BERAS</a><BR /> | 2010 | BERAS - Implementation Baltic Ecological Recycling Agriculture and Society BERAS - Implementation Baltic Ecological Recycling Agriculture and Society Leibniz-Zentrum für Agrarlandschaftsforschung (ZALF) e. V. (Projekte vor 2018) Berger, Dorett; Winter, Annemarie; Bachinger, Johann; Stein-Bachinger, Karin; Hufnagel, Johannes; Reckling, Moritz Drittmittel Leibniz Centre for Agricultural Landscape Research (ZALF) (project prior to 2018) completed abgeschlossen <div class="ExternalClassC0014E897316435B931EF1000AE69DA8">The objective of the BERAS Implementation project is to realize the Baltic Sea Action Plan, EU Water Framework Directive and EU Marin Strategy Framework Directive through conversion of the food system to effective recycling of nutrients and no use of pesticides in line with BERAS results combined with other known measures in all BSR countries. Recycling and sustainable use of resources will be strengthen through involving the whole food chain from farmer to consumer on a local and regional scale that also contributes to rural development. Exchange and build ecological competence will be realized in the whole food chain with a focus on market driven development of the ecological sector. <br>Conversion process will be driven by: (I) Increasing market demand through education of private and institutional consumers about “Diet for a clean Baltic”. (II) Increasing competence among farmers. (III) Introducing techniques and knowledge about ERA to agriculture advisory services, in agricultural authorities. (IV) Developing agricultural policy instruments to overcome economic barriers for conversion and provide long term economic incentives for low input recycling agriculture. </div> <div class="ExternalClass9207F52AC4E74A8A9D00F928F8F69C0D">The objective of the BERAS Implementation project is to realize the Baltic Sea Action Plan, EU Water Framework Directive and EU Marin Strategy Framework Directive through conversion of the food system to effective recycling of nutrients and no use of pesticides in line with BERAS results combined with other known measures in all BSR countries. Recycling and sustainable use of resources will be strengthen through involving the whole food chain from farmer to consumer on a local and regional scale that also contributes to rural development. Exchange and build ecological competence will be realized in the whole food chain with a focus on market driven development of the ecological sector. <br>Conversion process will be driven by: (I) Increasing market demand through education of private and institutional consumers about “Diet for a clean Baltic”. (II) Increasing competence among farmers. (III) Introducing techniques and knowledge about ERA to agriculture advisory services, in agricultural authorities. (IV) Developing agricultural policy instruments to overcome economic barriers for conversion and provide long term economic incentives for low input recycling agriculture.</div> B E R A S Implementation
Baltic Ecological Recycling Agriculture and Society
<div class="ExternalClass616BA1AC-F26E-4EAD-92CE-D66B2A1692B3"><ul><li>2013 Prinzipien agrarischer Nutzungssysteme und deren Modellierung für Landschaften</li><li>2013 Biodiversität und Landschaftsfunktionen - biotische und abiotische Interaktionen und Stoffdynamik über Skalenebenen</li></ul></div> <div class="ExternalClassF2A7705D-6014-4749-8554-B0A9CE186EAA"><ul><li>Advisory Branch in Minikowo</li><li>Estonia University of Life Science</li><li>Estonian Organic Farming Foundation (EOFF)</li><li>Latvian Rural Advisory and Training Centre</li><li>Lithuanian University of Agriculture</li><li>MTT Agrifood Research</li><li>Polish Ecological Club in Krakow, City of Gliwice Chapter</li><li>Södertälje Municipality</li><li>Södertörn University, Costal Management Research Centre</li><li>The Biodynamic Research Institute</li><li>The Ecological Council</li></ul></div> <div class="ExternalClassCB4E09B0-78E3-4FD6-A770-BA9372DAFABC"></div> <div class="ExternalClass4337AC30-78BE-49B0-B4A9-1FBD948054B5"><ul><li>Baltic Sea Region Programme 2007-2013, 3rd Call 22 March 2010, BSR Joint Secretariat</li></ul></div> <div class="ExternalClass484AC5EC-3357-41DE-9D62-A7FF9B8764F2"></div> | <div class="ExternalClassC0014E897316435B931EF1000AE69DA8">The objective of the BERAS Implementation project is to realize the Baltic Sea Action Plan, EU Water Framework Directive and EU Marin Strategy Framework Directive through conversion of the food system to effective recycling of nutrients and no use of pesticides in line with BERAS results combined with other known measures in all BSR countries. Recycling and sustainable use of resources will be strengthen through involving the whole food chain from farmer to consumer on a local and regional scale that also contributes to rural development. Exchange and build ecological competence will be realized in the whole food chain with a focus on market driven development of the ecological sector. <br>Conversion process will be driven by: (I) Increasing market demand through education of private and institutional consumers about “Diet for a clean Baltic”. (II) Increasing competence among farmers. (III) Introducing techniques and knowledge about ERA to agriculture advisory services, in agricultural authorities. (IV) Developing agricultural policy instruments to overcome economic barriers for conversion and provide long term economic incentives for low input recycling agriculture. </div> | <div class="ExternalClass9207F52AC4E74A8A9D00F928F8F69C0D">The objective of the BERAS Implementation project is to realize the Baltic Sea Action Plan, EU Water Framework Directive and EU Marin Strategy Framework Directive through conversion of the food system to effective recycling of nutrients and no use of pesticides in line with BERAS results combined with other known measures in all BSR countries. Recycling and sustainable use of resources will be strengthen through involving the whole food chain from farmer to consumer on a local and regional scale that also contributes to rural development. Exchange and build ecological competence will be realized in the whole food chain with a focus on market driven development of the ecological sector. <br>Conversion process will be driven by: (I) Increasing market demand through education of private and institutional consumers about “Diet for a clean Baltic”. (II) Increasing competence among farmers. (III) Introducing techniques and knowledge about ERA to agriculture advisory services, in agricultural authorities. (IV) Developing agricultural policy instruments to overcome economic barriers for conversion and provide long term economic incentives for low input recycling agriculture.</div> | <div class="ExternalClassC009FD10-10DE-4C92-9018-D4CA9AEECF63"><ul><li>Inst. für Landnutzungssysteme</li></ul></div> | <div class="ExternalClass7D40D8ED-4B16-4BD2-9E08-C4EE3E397406"><ul><li>Inst. of Land Use Systems</li></ul></div> | <div class="ExternalClassCF1C4E8F-6013-4B9A-A974-D96402E61D13">Dr. Johann Bachinger; Dorett Berger; Johannes Hufnagel; Dr. Moritz Reckling; Dr. Karin Stein-Bachinger; Annemarie Winter</div> | Stein-Bachinger, Karin | <div class="ExternalClassF70B5612-C984-4E7A-B36D-D38192157575">Dr. Karin Stein-Bachinger</a></div> | <div class="ExternalClass616BA1AC-F26E-4EAD-92CE-D66B2A1692B3"><ul><li>2013 Prinzipien agrarischer Nutzungssysteme und deren Modellierung für Landschaften</li><li>2013 Biodiversität und Landschaftsfunktionen - biotische und abiotische Interaktionen und Stoffdynamik über Skalenebenen</li></ul></div> | <div class="ExternalClass90E117B4-3AD7-4723-A2E9-0E6B2D8CEF7A"><ul><li>2013 Prinzipien agrarischer Nutzungssysteme und deren Modellierung für Landschaften</li><li>2013 Biodiversity and landscape functions - biotic and abiotic interactions and matter dynamics at different scales</li></ul></div> | x190x199x | <div class="ExternalClassF2A7705D-6014-4749-8554-B0A9CE186EAA"><ul><li>Advisory Branch in Minikowo</li><li>Estonia University of Life Science</li><li>Estonian Organic Farming Foundation (EOFF)</li><li>Latvian Rural Advisory and Training Centre</li><li>Lithuanian University of Agriculture</li><li>MTT Agrifood Research</li><li>Polish Ecological Club in Krakow, City of Gliwice Chapter</li><li>Södertälje Municipality</li><li>Södertörn University, Costal Management Research Centre</li><li>The Biodynamic Research Institute</li><li>The Ecological Council</li></ul></div> | x1643x1644x1645x1646x1647x1648x1649x1650x1651x1652x1653x | | | Baltic Sea Region Programme 2007-2013, 3rd Call 22 March 2010, BSR Joint Secretariat | <div class="ExternalClass4337AC30-78BE-49B0-B4A9-1FBD948054B5"><ul><li>Baltic Sea Region Programme 2007-2013, 3rd Call 22 March 2010, BSR Joint Secretariat</li></ul></div> | | 3 | 3 | | | |