"Solidarity in a competing world - fair use of resources" was the primary subject of this year’s TROPENTAG. Approximately, 730 scientists from over 62 countries met from the 19th to 21st of September, 2016 at Tropentag, held at the University of Agricultural Sciences (BOKU) in Vienna. The annual Conference on Tropical and Subtropical Agricultural and Natural Resource Management (TROPENTAG) dealt this year with prospective procedures for solidarity and the fair use of increasingly scarce natural and non-renewable resources around the world. Focus was given to the rising demand for food, fiber, feed and fuel to cover the needs of a growing world population and to promote innovative sustainable practices.
The main objective of the event was the scientific exchange and communication amongst the partners from various institutions, as well as the development of new networking and cooperation possibilities. ZALF scientists from the Institute of Socio-Economics and the Institute of Land Use Systems actively participated. Contributions were in the form of presentations, posters and as acting chairs of the 28 sessions in the event. The focus was on Cropping Systems, Organic Farming Systems, Food Security and Nutrition, Markets and Value Chain Analysis, and Experiences with participation, stakeholders and social networks. Furthermore, ZALF was present at a small market booth with information on current research priorities.
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