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ZALF mit INRAe in Avignon

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Foodshift Avignon

How can systems thinking be translated into collaborative action and strategic planning around the regional food system? After being invited by INRAe, Beatrice Walthall and José Luis Vicente-Vicente travelled with this guiding question to Avignon. In Avignon, researcher form INRAe and ZALF shared insights and research results from their work in the FoodSHIFT2030 project​.​​

​To connect theory with practice, a look beyond the end of one's nose was useful. In this respect, five innovative projects were visited, all of which seek to foster a more sustainable food system around Avignon. The spectrum of projects ranged from a logistical platform for the procurement of regional products for community catering and restaurants (Endirect de nos fermes), to a permaculture garden (Le Tipi) and a solidarity supermarket (Supermarché Solidaire), among other projects.​

Conclusion of the exchange: A site visit provides an excellent opportunity to understand the local challenges and what solution-oriented role strategic collaboration and diverse actors can play in the food system. ​A detailed report of the visit to Avignon is available here​:

Report Avigno​n.pdf

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© Leibniz-Zentrum für Agrarlandschaftsforschung (ZALF) e. V. Müncheberg

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