Dr. Ahmad Hamidov acquired a new DFG project on the topic of: “Sustainability assessment of the Water–Energy–Food nexus for irrigated agriculture: Examples from river basins in Uzbekistan (WEFUz)”. Irrigated agriculture is a key example of the water–energy–food (WEF) nexus, due to strong competition between water used for energy generation and water used for food production in water-scarce areas of the world, and it is a key sustainability issue in Uzbekistan.
Sustainability problems of irrigated agriculture are also anticipated to aggravate with emerging climate change, deteriorating soil quality, increasing water scarcity, and food and energy demand in the region. Soil salinization is a key problem of improper irrigation management and this may lead to complete loss of soil fertility. The research project will develop scenarios for possible alternative resource management options. This will be done through carrying out an ex-ante impact assessment in selected river basins in Uzbekistan. The project will shed light on the role of WEF nexus for realizing a number of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The project was started on 1 August 2019 and will be implemented during the next three years in cooperation with partners in Germany (University of Kassel, Humboldt University of Berlin) as well as in Uzbekistan (Tashkent Institute of Irrigation and Agricultural Mechanization Engineers, International Water Management Institute-Central Asia office).