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BONARES Conference 2023: Soil as a Sustainable Resource

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A sustainable bioeconomy requires integration of soil productivity with a wide range of other soil functions including nutrient cycling, carbon storage, water retention and filtering as well as being the habitat of a myriad of organisms and enabling their activities.

The conference will bring together researchers from various disciplines related to soil and plant sciences and agronomy to discuss strategies towards a (multi)functionality of soil ecosystems taking also constraints of climate and global change into account. The conference aims at providing solutions for a sustainable soil management including climate change adaptation, which requires an understanding of soils at a systemic level and to assess their value in a socio-economic framework. We are looking forward to welcome interested scientists as well as stakeholders in the field of soil management for inspiring discussions.

We welcome contributions (oral presentations and posters) to the following topics:

  1. Impact of agriculture and cropping systems on soil functions
  2. Carbon and nutrient cycling in soils: Processes and interactions in a changing world
  3. Soil biomes and multifunctionality of soils
  4. Soil degradation and sustainable soil management in agricultural landscapes
  5. Model-based prediction of the dynamics of soil functions
  6. Using soil sensing technologies for soil mapping, modelling and decision making in agriculture
  7. Soils as a key to climate change mitigation: private and public governance instruments to unlock the potential
  8. Data challenges and solutions

More information:
Abstract submission deadline: January 10th, 2023

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© Leibniz-Zentrum für Agrarlandschaftsforschung (ZALF) e. V. Müncheberg

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