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New webinar series Brazil Talks: Sustainability, Innovation and Productivity

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Screenshot Webinar Brazil Talks

The first edition of this series took place on 23/02/2022, 15:00 - 16:30 CET.

The webinar entitled "The Scientific Basis of the Brazilian Agricultural Revolution" on the scientific basis of Brazilian agricultural innovations also featured PD Dr Stefan Sieber and Dr Michelle Chevelev-Bonatti from the working group SusLAND at ZALF as keynote speakers.

This webinar series is organised by the Brazilian Embassy in Berlin and ApexBrasil.

Link to the webinar: 


Brazil is currently not only one of the biggest food producers in the world, but also a centre of innovation in several areas, especially those related to food and energy production. With one of the cleanest energy matrices in the world and a significant portion of the planet’s native forests, Brazil has become an essential partner in ensuring world food security, preserving biodiversity and fighting climate change. The country's outstanding performance in agriculture is certainly in part due to the very advantageous natural characteristics of its territory. But that does not explain everything.

Research and innovation have played a fundamental role in the development of Brazilian agriculture. In this seminar, the aim is to show how innovation was the cornerstone of the Brazilian agricultural revolution of the 20th century, and its key role in the new revolution now underway: that of sustainability of national agricultural production.

Despite the country’s important achievements in the field of food production and sustainability, illegal deforestation remains a clear challenge for Brazilian society. Stakeholders should assess the matter in an objective and transparent way, and never in ways that favour the undeclared commercial interests of third parties. Above all, the issue of illegal deforestation can only be solved by Brazilians themselves. It is in the best interest of the country, its citizens and businesses that the strict national forestry legislation is complied with, and that the good practices developed at national level are maintained to achieve the environmental and climate protection goals embraced by the country.

ORGANISED BY: The Embassy of Brazil in Berlin and ApexBrasil


(text source:​)



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Screenshot Webinar Brazil Talks
Screenshot Webinar Brazil Talks "The Scientific Basis of the Brazilian Agricultural Revolution": Source: © ZALF​.



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