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ZALF PhD Day 2019

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ZALF-water model at "Langer Tag der Stadtnatur" 2019 in Berlin.

On 18th of September 2019 it is time again: ZALF warmly invites you to the PhD Day!

The PhD Day is an important date of the annual ZALF events calendar. It is a great occasion for cur-rent and recently graduated ZALF PhD researchers to get connected. The PhD Day also explicitly invites interested doctoral researchers of other institutions and students, who would like to inform themselves about agricultural landscape research as well as the career path of doing of a PhD.

On that day, numerous ZALF PhD candidates will present their research in a well-understandable way. PhD researchers, who recently joined ZALF, will present their topics in short elevator pitches. Moreover, an Explorer Tour will take the participants to a visit of the Long-term Field Experiments on the ZALF campus.

In addition, this year’s PhD Day will focus on the topic of Science Communication. A special session will deal with the importance and potential formats of successful science communication to the public. We are very much looking forward to the keynote presentation of Dr. Wiebke Rössig, Head of the Experimental Field for Participation and Open Science at the Natural History Museum in Berlin, and her exciting best practice examples.

Another highlight of this year’s PhD Day programme will be the Career Talk that will allow PhD can-didates to inform themselves about job opportunities after completing the PhD. In easy-going discussion groups, participants will get in touch with competent contact persons to talk about possible career steps in academia as well as in companies.

At the end of the day we will invite you to join a barbecue on the beautiful ZALF campus.


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ZALF-water model at
ZALF-water model at "Langer Tag der Stadtnatur" 2019 in Berlin. : Source: © Julia Lidauer.


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