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Peru's Minister of the Environment and ZALF strengthen ties to work together on environmental projects

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Treffen der AG SUSLand mit dem peruanischen Umweltminister Wilbert Rozas

The ZALF working group “Sustainable Land Use in Developing Countries “ (SusLAND) met with Peru's Minister of Environment Wilbert Rozas, Yamina SIlva Vida, Vice-Minister of Strategic Development of Natural Resources of the Ministry of Environment, and Billy Heinrich Maco Elera, Director of the Office of Cooperation and International Affairs to co-ordinate co-operation actions and research strategies. A delegation of GIZ Germany and GIZ Peru, led by Alejandra Munoz Gonzales, also participated in the event.

Peru's Ministry of Environment invited ZALF to strengthen cooperation links with German institutions studying climate change and its impacts on populations and agricultural development, as well as to explore future opportunities for Peru within the International Climate Initiative.

Dr. Michelle Bonatti and Dr. Luca Eufemia co-ordinated the presentation of SusLAND projects in Latin America with the support of Dr. Claudia Coral, Ph.D. students Martha Lilia Del Rio Duque and Carla Badlivieso, and master students Carla Barros Erismann, Juan Tomailla and Imke Scheepstra. As a result, several strategic research topics and potential projects were defined.

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