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Climate Forum: "Agri-Photovoltaics - an agricultural system of the future"

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Press Release

Solaranlage auf einem Feld

On 9 June from 19:00 to 20:30, the Climate Forum on the possibilities and opportunities of agri-photovoltaics for farms will take place. ZALF scientist Prof. Klaus Müller will show, among other things, what role agri-photovoltaics plays in securing income as well as for resource protection, biodiversity, acceptance of agriculture and the energy transition. 

Agriculture in Germany is under enormous pressure to adapt. The orientation of EU agricultural policy towards successful participation in cost-cutting competition on the world market is resulting in serious impairments of our natural resources. At the same time, the social discussions on animal welfare and loss of biodiversity lead to a considerable image problem of agriculture. The promotion of renewable raw materials and regenerative energy sources (biogas and wind power plants) has opened up new sources of income, but has led to a "fuel vs. food" debate and - like the expansion of organic agriculture - has done little to address the challenge of structural change toward sustainable agriculture.

Agri-photovoltaics can not only solve many of these challenges, at least partially, but at the same time promote the energy transition and support adaptation to climate change. Professor Dr. Klaus Müller from the Leibniz Centre for Agricultural Landscape Research and the Humboldt Universität zu Berlin will demonstrate in our Climate Forum how agri-photovoltaics can secure long-term income for farmers as well as other industries and enable the continuation of agricultural use with a structural reorientation of farms towards sustainable markets. Furthermore, a "diversification of agricultural landscape use" with positive effects on resource protection, biodiversity, more sustainable value cycles and acceptance of agriculture as well as the energy transition is also of concern.

Participation in the event is free of charge. An in-person event will be held at the event space in the KLIMA ARENA in accordance with Corona terms and conditions. Due to the Corona pandemic, the number of participants is currently limited. Registration is requested. 


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Solar panels in a field | Quelle: © RainerSturm |
Caption: Agri-photovoltaics can contribute to the income security of agricultural enterprises, as well as to energy transition, resource protection, biodiversity and acceptance of agriculture. Source: © RainerSturm |


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© Leibniz-Zentrum für Agrarlandschaftsforschung (ZALF) e. V. Müncheberg

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