As part of the Global Forum for Food and Agriculture (GFFA 2021), Katharina Löhr and Stefan Sieber from the Working Group “Sustainable Land Use in Developing Countries” hosted an expert panel. The topic: "COVID-19: Lessons for resilience building along agricultural value chains".
Panelists Dr. Ben-Belhassen (FAO), Dr. Rudloff (SWP), Dr. Ringler (IFPRI), and Professor Dr. Pannell (University of Western Australia) presented the key topics. The goal of the panel was to identify potential pathways for future pandemic management and improving food security in crisis situations. Among the issues discussed were what conclusions can be drawn from different policy approaches to strengthening the resilience of value chains, how resilience can be improved in the context of international trade and local production, and what lessons can be learned from past health crises such as Ebola.
The panel discussion was recorded and can be viewed at the following link: