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DFG Junior Researchers at ZALF

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Dr. Moritz Reckling, Dr. Maria Kernecker, Dr. Ahmad Hamidov (von links nach rechts)

Four researchers from the Leibniz Centre for Agricultural Landscape Research (ZALF) were accepted for funding by the ‘Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft’ (DFG) last year.

Dr. Maria Kernecker and Dr. Moritz Reckling have successfully acquired two projects within the framework of the DFG Junior Scientists Academy "Agricultural Ecosystem Research and Plant Production". Dr. Kernecker is researching the forest effects on grassland biodiversity under different management conditions. She investigates the question whether grassland management or landscape composition are more relevant for biodiversity. Dr. Reckling investigates the influence of the climate on the yield stability of grain legumes such as peas, field beans and soybeans. To this end, he will analyse international long-term experiments in Europe using innovative statistical methods and simulation models.

Dr. Ahmad Hamidov and Dr. Daniel Puppe were also successfully accepted by the DFG. In his project, Dr. Hamidov investigates the conflicts and interactions between energy production, agriculture and soil salinisation in relation to water use in Uzbekistan. The BiSiAL project, which is led by Dr. Puppe, aims to contribute to a basic understanding of the silicon cycle of agricultural systems by producing detailed silicon deposits of different sites. The highly qualified young PostDocs can continue to focus their research within the framework of DFG funding and thus make an important contribution to agricultural landscape research at ZALF.



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Dr. Moritz Reckling, Dr. Maria Kernecker, Dr. Ahmad Hamidov (from left to right) | Source: © Lea Nitz / ZALF.
Dr. Moritz Reckling, Dr. Maria Kernecker, Dr. Ahmad Hamidov (from left to right) : Source: © Lea Nitz / ZALF.
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© Leibniz-Zentrum für Agrarlandschaftsforschung (ZALF) e. V. Müncheberg

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