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Innovation for agriculture and rural areas

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Dialogplattform Zukunftsfelder

Innovations are generally regarded as drivers of change and progress. In agriculture, technological leaps can be seen most recently in the context of digitalisation. Drones, sensors and robotics are finding their way. But is this enough to break new ground for a sustainable bioeconomy and to drive the transformation of agricultural systems? Organisational and institutional bottlenecks often have to be passed here, e.g. in the value chain and in planning and approval procedures; new concepts are needed. 

These so-called social innovations were the focus of the keynote lecture by professor Thomas Weith at the "Dialogue Platform Zukunftsfelder" on 21 September 2021, moderated by professor Ortwin Renn. In the discussion with the participation of industry, associations and also other scientific institutions such as the PIK Potsdam, needs for action in future were discussed, based on the lecture. The dialogue itself is the best example of a framework that promotes innovation.

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© Leibniz-Zentrum für Agrarlandschaftsforschung (ZALF) e. V. Müncheberg

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