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Presentation of the Scale-N kitchen garden intervention at the United Nations Environment Assembly (UNEA 4)

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Die Hauptredner/innen der hochkarätigen Frühstücksveranstaltung UNEA 4

The Leibniz Centre for Agricultural Landscape Research (ZALF) is a partner of the project Scaling-Up Nutrition (Scale-N), which is concerned with improving the nutritional situation of people in southeastern Africa.

Representatives of the Scale-N project had the opportunity to present the kitchen garden intervention at the top-class breakfast event UNEA 4, which took place on 13th March in Nairobi / Kenya. The UNEA 4 aimed to conceptualize the way humans produce and consume food in the nexus of the greatest global challenges. The year 2020 is dedicated to overcome these challenges by reconnecting nature, prosperity and wellbeing with a global "New Deal for Nature and People".

The event brought together senior decision makers from the public and private sectors to discuss integrated solutions and the scaling up potential of nature based solutions. Four speakers were invited and Dr. Hadijah Mbwana presented the Scale–N project outcomes focusing on how kitchen gardens can empower women via establishing sustainable food systems and simultaneously supporting biodiversity.


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The main speakers at the UNEA 4 high level breakfast event | Source: © Martina Fleckenstein /WWF.
The main speakers at the UNEA 4 high level breakfast event: Source: © Martina Fleckenstein /WWF.
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© Leibniz-Zentrum für Agrarlandschaftsforschung (ZALF) e. V. Müncheberg

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