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Dissertation successfully defended

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Mathias Hoffmann

Mathias Hoffmann successfully defended his dissertation ’Improving measurement and modeling approaches of the closed chamber method to better assess dynamics and drivers of carbon based greenhouse gas emissions ‘ at the University of Potsdam.

The central aim of his research - supervised by Prof. Dr. Jürgen Augustin (IBG) and Prof. Dr. Michael Sommer (LAP) within the framework of CarboZALF project - was to improve the reliability of the chamber method for the determination of gas fluxes in soil-plant systems. This method provides decisive information about land use impacts on the source / sink function of terrestrial ecosystems for greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide or methane. With his work, Matthias Hoffmann impressively demonstrates the tremendous influence of a standardized and automated procedure on the precision, trustworthiness and comparability of the data obtained. Thus, he gained a decisive influence on the international top level in the field of gas flux measurement. A visible expression of this is the large number of publications on the subject published by Matthias Hoffmann in top-level journals. The RA1 congratulates Mathias Hoffmann on his outstanding achievements and wish him ongoing success for his future scientific career!

Herr Mathias Hoffmann hat an der Universität Potsdam seine Dissertation | Quelle: © J. Augustin
Mathias Hoffmann successfully defended his dissertation ’ Improving measurement and modeling approaches of the closed chamber method to better assess dynamics and drivers of carbon based greenhouse gas emissions ‘ at the University of Potsdam.
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© Leibniz-Zentrum für Agrarlandschaftsforschung (ZALF) e. V. Müncheberg

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