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International MONICA class at ZALF

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PlanSmart Team

Last week, ZALF offered an international block class for MONICA users. MONICA is a process-based simulation model which describes transport and bio-chemical turn-over of carbon, nitrogen and water in agro-ecosystems.

In the morning, Prof. Claas Nendel provided the theoretical background of the processes used in the simulation model, and Michael Berg-Mohnicke then demonstrated the technical tricks of using the model in different situations. The international participants then each had the opportunity in the afternoon to set up and advance their own simulation projects and to get individual support from the ZALF staff in the virtual space.

Dr. Roland Baatz and Dr. Ehsan Rezaei rounded off the course with learning units on model calibration and large-scale application using massively parallel computing infrastructure. The MONICA course was attended by 15 scientists and PhD students from nine countries.

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