LTE are essential research infrastructures for agricultural and soil sciences and fundamental for answering current and future research questions.
The BonaRes Repository team is pleased to announce that the dataset of the Rauischholzhausen long-term experiment (LTE) has now been published and is ready to be downloaded for reuse under the following DOI:
LTE are essential research infrastructures for agricultural and soil sciences and fundamental for answering current and future research questions. With its establishment in 1984 the LTE Rauischholzhausen is one of the oldest but ongoing field trials in Germany, located between the cities of Gießen and Marburg. This LTE focuses on the comparison of three farming systems (farm types): (1) system without organic fertilization (simulating a cash crop farm), (2) system with organic fertilization from livestock (farmyard manure, simulating a farm with livestock) and (3) system with organic fertilization from plant residues (straw, catch crops and digestate from a biogas plant). Information offered comprise yield, amounts of fertilizer, types of fertilizer, climate data, cultivar information, planting and harvesting dates, soil nutrient context and soil texture.
The LTE is currently maintained by the Justus Liebig University Giessen. Access to the data is provided by the BonaRes Repository under the free license CC-BY. We provide an overview of LTEs in Europe in our LTE overview Map.