
The data collection contains 6-year measurement data series (2014-2019) on CO2 concentration, temperature and moisture in different soil depths of a European beech forest (Fagus sylvatica) and a Scots pine forest (Pinus sylvestris) in the northeast German lowlands both representing intensive monitoring plots in the ICP Forests programme (http://icp-forests.net).
In addition, occasionally collected measurement data (67 and 64 dates for the beech and pine forest, respectively) on CO2 efflux with the closed chamber method over 2 years (2018-2019) are included. Data on air temperature and air pressure complete the data set.
The data was processed and used to calculate the CO2 efflux and the soil layer-specific CO2 production using the flux-gradient method. This detailed model input data and simulation results are also included.
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