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Frank Ewert appointed to BMBF expert panel Forum #Zukunftsstrategie

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Prof. Frank Ewert, Wissenschaftlicher Direktor des ZALF

In the context of the future strategy for research and innovation, the # Zukunftsstrategie Forum (Future Strategy) has started its work. The panel consists of 21 experts from business, science and civil society who will advise both the Federal Government and the mission teams on the implementation of the Future Strategy. Prof. Frank Ewert, Scientific Director of the Leibniz Centre for Agricultural Landscape Research (ZALF), is one of the 21 selected members.

The Future Strategy for Research and Innovation was adopted by the Federal Cabinet on February 8, 2023, to enable a strong strategic positioning of the German research and innovation system and to contribute to meeting societal and global challenges. To this end, the German government has agreed on six missions based on the future fields formulated in the coalition agreement. These cover topics such as resource-efficient management, climate protection and biodiversity conservation, health, digital and technological sovereignty, space and marine research, and societal resilience. Together with Prof. Ottmar Edenhofer (Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research) and Prof. Christian Wirth (University of Leipzig), Prof. Ewert is responsible for Mission 2: "Advancing climate mitigation, adaptation, food security and biodiversity conservation".

Each mission has its own specific goals. This is the task of the interdepartmental mission teams. The #Zukunftsstrategie Forum is an external body of experts that advises on the six missions. Three members of the Forum are each responsible for a specific mission. The first meeting of the Forum took place on September 21 in Berlin.


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