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Earthday 2017: Students are active in soil protection

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Studierende der HNEE untersuchen Böden an der ZALF-Forschungsstation Dedelow

On 21 and 22 of April, 16 students from the Eberswalde University for Sustainable Development (HNEE) Faculty of "Landscape Management and Nature Conservation" and their lecturers Prof. Dr. Wilfried Hierold (ZALF, HNEE) and Dr. Olaf Juschus (HNEE) were on the road in the Uckermark district.


In response to Earthday, which took place on April 22nd, they examined soils on farmland near the research station Dedelow of the Leibniz Centre for Agricultural Landscape Research (ZALF). At the study module "Soil Landscape and Nutrient Cycle" they learned to describe soil independently. In addition to Haplic Luvisols from glacial till, Calcaric Regosols and "Colluvisols"(Colluvic Regosols) were found.

Now the students have their own picture of these soil types in mind. 36 soil samples have been collected which will be analyzed for humus content, nutrients and pH in the coming weeks. The objectives of the course are the assessment of soil data for the derivation of fertilization recommendations and for soil protection. This also includes the learning of methods for sampling, analysis and landscape-related interpretation. The students recognize, for example, the effect of erosion. How the land owner can handle soil and nutrient differences will also be discussed with the farmer if he provides the results of its soil investigations for the comparison.


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Caption: Students of the HNEE are investigating soils at the ZALF research station Dedelow | Quelle: © Prof. Dr. Wilfried Hierold
Caption: Students of the HNEE are investigating soils at the ZALF research station Dedelow
Quelle: © Prof. Dr. Wilfried Hierold (ZALF/ HNEE)
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© Leibniz-Zentrum für Agrarlandschaftsforschung (ZALF) e. V. Müncheberg

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