From September 19 to 21, 2016, the Department of Soil Science of the Institute for Plant Nutrition and Soil Science of the Christian-Albrecht-University Kiel visited post glacial soil landscapes in eastern Brandenburg and ZALF field experiments. The excursion for staff, PhD students, and post-doctoral soil science colleagues from Kiel was organized by PD Dr. Horst H. Gerke from the Institute of Soil Landscape Research of the ZALF.
The participants visited the construction site of a new ship lift near the village of Niederfinow, the ecological farm in Brodowin, several soil profiles and geomorphological exploration sites for discussing aspects of actual and historic land use such as arable gley soil of the river Oder valley, banded silts in Macherslust near the town of Eberswalde, terraced agricultural land at Bergkolonie near Neutornow, Podzol soils developed on tertiary sands near Sternebeck, the Os near Müncheberg, the A.-D. Thaer museum in Möglin, and the small lake “Baa” near Sonnenburg. On the 3rd day, Sept. 21, the excursion started at the ZALF-Research Station in Dedelow near the town of Prenzlau in the Uckermark. Here, ongoing field experiments of the Institute of Soil Landscape Research were presented such as the high precision weighing TERENO-SoilCan lysimeters (built by company UMS Munich), the CarboZalf field experiment, and a field site for monitoring soil erosion by water and tillage located near the village of Christianenhof.
The participants from Kiel were impressed by the diversity and the relatively intense topography of the landscape near the Oder river valley.
The photo shows Dr. Gerke (second from left) with participants from Kiel with Assistant Professor Dr. Heiner Fleige (most right) at the CarboZALF experimental field site when visiting the VAMOS lysimeter (Vadose Zone Modelling System) of the Soil Physics Department, UfZ Halle (built by company UGT Müncheberg).