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Collaborative meeting at the Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology (TUAT)

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Collaborative meeting at the Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology (TUAT)

Initiated by the Japanese-German Research Exchange Program with support by Prof. Dr. Sonoko Bellingrath-Kimura and Prof. Dr. Yayoi Kaneko I took the opportunity to visit TUAT on behalf of our institute and ZALF for one week. The aim of this visit was to strengthen the collaboration between ZALF and TUAT and to discuss concrete plans for mutual research activities.

On the first day we conducted a joint workshop on “Human-Wildlife interactions in Japan and Europe” where I presented ideas of the new Junior-Research group on “Human-Wildlife-Conflicts in Agricultural Landscapes” that will be established at ZALF in June this year. Here I introduced our methodological approach as well as conflict potentials between selected wildlife species (crane, wolf, wild-boar) and land use in Germany and Sweden. Our colleges from TUAT presented their research activities related to human-carnivore conflicts (i.e. crop / livestock damages) in Japan, Romania and Poland including wolf, brown bear, badger, deer, civit cats, raccoon dog and wild-boar.

We identified common fields of research interests and initiated a small working group for concrete mutual research activities. It is planned, for example, to jointly supervise students for theirs BSc and Master theses, to visit and exchange ideas during upcoming conferences, and to elaborate joint research proposals for future projects.

The days after the workshop were used to visit field sites and research stations where wildlife-prevention measures are implemented and tested, for example, to prevent crop damages caused by monkeys, wild-boars and deers. And also, to learn and exchange about tracking methods of wildlife in rural-urban areas.

In sum, I can say that the collaborative meeting was fruitful and concrete. The hospitality is very welcoming and research much advanced.

For any questions you can contact me.

Dr. Hannes König


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© Leibniz-Zentrum für Agrarlandschaftsforschung (ZALF) e. V. Müncheberg

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