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The use of Eddy-Covariance data for model validation - results from a grassland

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Colloquium on 28.11.2017.

Where: Building 45, Seminar room (Institute LSA)

Start: 10 a.m.


Dr. Martin Wegehenkel1, K. Deetz2, D. Sowa1, Dr. J. Pickert2

1Institute of Landscape Systems Analysis (ZALF)

2Researchstation Paulinenaue (ZALF)


The use of Eddy-Covariance data for model validation - results from a grassland experimental field site  

Real evapotranspiration (ETr) is an important part of the water balance equation. In situ measurements of ETr are carried out by using weighable lysimeters, soil water budget method, Bowen ratio method, scintillometers, surface renewal (SR) and eddy covariance (EC) method. From all these techniques, the EC method is currently considered to be the most appropriate technique for a precise determination of ETr at field scale. In our presentation, we will give an overview about the EC-method and eddy-flux data measured by an EC Station located at a grassland experimental field site of the ZALF Research Station Paulinenaue introducing our applied procedures for data quality management and pro-cessing of eddy flux data. This field site is located at a fen with a permanent water table between 20 cm down to 70 cm below the soil surface of the boggy soil. The processed eddy-flux data in-clude a period from 2015 to 2016 with an hourly time step. In the second part, we present results of the analysis of this two years period comparing measured fluxes with those simulated by a physically based modelling approach.

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© Leibniz-Zentrum für Agrarlandschaftsforschung (ZALF) e. V. Müncheberg

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