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Junior Research Group “PlanSmart”: protecting against flooding and droughts and improving water quality with nature-based solutions

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PlanSmart Team

A resilient development of river basins faces increasing water-borne challenges such as securing water quality and provision, mitigating the effects of droughts, and protecting against flooding. Nature-based solutions, understood as actions which are inspired by, supported by, or copied from nature, can help societies address ecological, social and economic challenges in sustainable ways. In April 2016, the “PlanSmart” research group got started to explore innovative approaches for addressing water-borne challenges through planning and implementing nature-based solutions in river basins and urban regions.

“PlanSmart” advances knowledge through a transdisciplinary process to assessing, developing, and implementing nature-based solutions with novel methods, tools and technologies. “PlanSmart” collaborates closely with partners from practice, in particular in the Lahn river basin in the German federal states Hesse and Rhineland-Palatinate. “PlanSmart” is supported through the German Federal Ministry for Education and Research (BMBF) as part of the funding priority "Social-Ecological Research" within the Research for Sustainability Program (FONA³).

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